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Fasting to reverse diseases

Is there anyone here who successfully reversed chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Prostatitis, epididymitis ect which are as per current medical beliefs not curable only manageable? I am not asking for clinical trials ( if you have then please share) even anecdotal personal experience would help me to set a realistic goal before going into this.

Thank you

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My mom was a candidate for type 2 diabetes and her doctor said, she would need meds soon. She does IF and high fat, almost no carbohydrates for three to four month now. She lost about 10-15 kg (she does not weight herself, but lost two dress sizes) and her blood work came back without any issues. Also her high blood pressure got a lot better!

I reversed my fat liver by dropping 33 kg (in about 10 month, maintaining for almost 1,5 years).


I have a rare genetic progressive disease which is incurable. I was on Long term disability five years ago. My specialists told me to wait and see what happens ( defensive medicine for liability issues). I decided not to wait. I did my own research, and decided to do my own thing, against the advice of my doctors. I documented everything and gave it to my medical team. I am five years out, healthiest in my life with no surgery and no meds. I reversed my prediabetes diagnosis. Because there is no cure or therapy, my physicians really had nothing to offer me and so technically, I did not go against the standard of care. I combine fasting with a very low carb diet, do extended water fasts every quarter for four days, and exercise 4 x a week. I am now also a published author in a reputable medical journal and have presented 2 abstracts in international conferences. I will never go back to the SAD because I think that’s what made me sick in the first place. May not work for everyone but it has worked for me over the past five years. I am a 58 yo woman with a rare, progressive genetic disease for which there is no cure or therapy. I have also found a way to improve my quality of life while living with this condition without medical guidance, and I am thriving! Best of luck to you!


They hate me over there at r/diabetes for this.

I cured my own diabetes by going against what my endocrinologist told me. He laughed at me when I said I can do it through diet and exercise and no medication. By the next visit, he was asking how I did it. The answer is taking personal responsibility. I was over 300 lbs. You couldn’t sugar coat or I would eat that too. Lol. He gave me 6 months to get down to 250 and I did it in less than 60 days while also cutting the fatty liver by 75%, reversing sleep apnea/high blood pressure/chronic fatigue/depression/chronic inflammation/hypothryoid/low testosterone and a few other things.


I dropped my a1c from 10.4 to 5.1 within three months of starting IF and I’ve kept it at that level for two years now. My medical record calls it t2 in remission. My doctor suspects it’s actually reversal.


My dad healed his type 2 diabetes by going whole food, plant based/oil free. He was starting to have eye issues, and about 8 months after changing his diet, his optomitrist was floored. She said she’d never seen a diabetic’s eyes improve like that.

I can’t go WFPB due to too many plant allergies, so I opted for fasting. I don’t have diagnosed high blood pressure, but it has always run borderline high. With fasting, my BP stays well within the normal range. Diabetes runs in my family, but my blood sugar is always in the healthy range. Quite confident that’s thanks to fasting as well.


I remember having swollen knee and painful wrists joints in summer of 2017. I was overweight and had really bad diet at that time. I was afraid that it was RA. Later I started fasting and it went away completely.


Fasting is something I could never understand, I started doing it and it feels great. Effects on weight I understand but reversing unrelated diseases blows my mind. We all have been told food is important for our bodies and it is but by just pausing that for sometime our body does incredible things.


I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes and very high cholesterol in Sep. 2021. I am 29M. It devastated me but I was solely responsible for this because of my lifestyle. My Fasting glucose was 17.2 and A1C was 11.3. I learned about fasting after that. Started IF 16:8. Within 10 days I was off diabetes medication. I was 113 kg on Sep 11 and today I am 92. In December 2021 my fasting glucose was 4.8 and A1C was also 4.8. My triglycerides dropped from 6.81 to 1.02 and all other cholesterol parameters came in normal range. I feel it changed my life.


Yes. It’s nearly reversed my adult onset asthma. I still keep my inhaler with me just in case for cold days but I have hardly needed to use it this winter.

I also have arthritis which came on in my early teens. The only flare up I had was in my always worst affected knee on boxing day after having eaten well that day and Christmas.

It’s helped significantly with my depression.

They’re all “iffy” conditions medically which you’re expected just to live with, with plenty of medications but no real cure. Since starting 23-1 fasting / omad I honestly feel far more healthy now than ever in my life.


Done multiple water fasts. Got my eczema under control and eliminated the chronic flair ups. Also reduced several “liver spots” on my skin. (34m here).

Definitely recommend using electrolytes when fasting and breaking your fast very easy. The diet doctor website explains best practices for breaking a fast.

Edit: Also reversed a fatty liver (bloodwork and doctor verified) and all my Enzyme levels returned to normal.


I advise anyone with multiple sclerosis of any kind to NOT try and treat MS with fasting alone. You need actual treatment with a neurologist. Don’t be misguided like me and avoid treatment due to fear. You should be afraid of NOT getting treatment.


My asthma has improved, but I do still keep my inhaler on me when I’m outside. Better safe than sorry, and all that.

I have had problems with my neck and back, and a lot of inflammation associated with that, which has improved immensely. I no longer have to take painkillers.

It is improving my depression too, but the fact that weight-loss has made it easier for me to be consistent with exercise is of course also a huge part of this.

My skin and hair look much healthier, and eczema has improved to the point that it’s nearly gone.

I do moderate IF (18:6 or 16:8 depending on my schedule) daily. I don’t follow a specific diet like keto, but am keeping an eye on snacking and highly processed food. Weirdly, I find that IF has helped me enjoy the food I do eat a lot more, and that it has made me gravitate to high nutrient foods without having to make a conscious effort at all. All in all, IF has been a game changer for me.

Edit: A typo.


Hey. I’m a type 2 diabetic since 07. It hasn’t been easy. It’s been a journey of discovering what this disease is. Now things are a lot better. You learn how to live with type 2 diabetes. You learn many things along the way. Make drastic changes in food is important. Low carb/ keto diet is part of how I reverse insulin resistance. I do also recommend intermittent fasting. It goes hand and hand with a proper low carb diet. Not only did I get off metformin, I’m able to control my sugar and insulin levels naturally through food and fasting.


Yes and NO.


Original life style -> Fasting -> Original life style -> Fasting ….(Since one does not change the original life style,….)


The wheel is already here. There is no need to re-invent another one.


A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet to treat type 2 diabetes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1325029/


For me (Keto + Fasting, some long term):Fatty Liver, Type 2 Diabetes, Reflux (even after changing back, I don’t have issues), Sleep Apnea (after weight loss).

My girlfriend (mostly carnivore fixed her, with IF 16:8 typically) had PCOS and a number of issues with reproduction. She could not get pregnant. She lost a ton of weight, and the PCOS had almost disappeared by the time we broke up. She got pregnant and had the kid recently, so I guess she reversed the rest of the issues as well. She looks amazing as does her baby (cutest kid ever, seriously).

I’m about to get back into fasting and Keto after a year off. I put on a few pounds again but I still feel great and none of the issue have come back. I do still stay reasonably low carb even when cheating (with some DEFINITE high carb meals here and there).


I was suffering from SIBO really bad. I didn’t want to take any treatments that were offered by the GI doc but luckily, had some weight to lose, anyway. Fasting for just a few days caused the SIBO to completely resolve!


Type II diabetes, Gout and inflammation in my feet and ankles all gone. A1C is now 5.2, high blood pressure gone. You wanna get rid of diabetes start eating a Keto diet, it’s that simple. No more sugar and grains….go to the /r/keto forum to find out more about it. I do 7 day fasts and refeed with a Keto meal and start my next 7 day fast. Tomorrow at 6pm will end my 8th rolling 7 day fast. I will continue until I reach my weight goal then eat Keto OMAD to maintain my weight. I guess everyone here knows that after 24 hours into your fast Autophagy kicks in and starts to eat screwed up cells and cancer cells in your body and regenerates them into healthy ones. Autophagy maxes out 3 days after it starts, so you need to be doing at least 4 day fasts to get the full effect of it. Refeed and start your next 4 day fast.


I have had long term issues with indigestion, acid reflux, and I believe insulin resistance aswell. (I say that because I get upset stomach from carbs/sugar, I’ve had excessive weight gain compared to how much I should based on what I eat, I have been very fatigued especially after eating, lack of focus, unstable blood sugar etc.)

About 2 or 3 months ago I started doing the clean keto diet, and I started on 18/6 IF, then slowly moved to doing omad some days, and some longer fasts. I just kindof do whichever one feels right. The longest fast I have done so far is 48 hrs but it was very hard for me to handle. 24 hrs is easier for me.

I did this because I heard that it’s how you lower your set point range in order to lose weight when you hit a plateau after calorie reduction, but I also am not having any issues with the above problems in the first paragraph anymore. Hope this helps.

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