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Fasting vs The Festive Season

I had a question for all my fasting friends out there. Particularly the longer fasters (OMAD, 22/2, 20/4). How’s fasting going on for yal? Have you taken a break from fasting or perhaps just reducing your fasts to accommodate family lunches and dinners etc.

I was thinking of dropping down to 16/8 just to keep myself on track. I was just curious how others handle festivities where food can sometimes be shoved down your throat by Grandma.

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I’m fasting through the holiday period. I’m off work so it’s the perfect time to do a longer fast. I still go out, see people and have fun.

The best way to avoid giving in to pressure from others is to be clear on your priorities. My priority is my health and wellness. I know what I will and won’t eat and I know why. I don’t let others who don’t share my goals influence that. For the most part people in my life are supportive.

You need to ask yourself what your goals are and how much taking a break from pursuit them will set you back. I’m already seeing people saying how bad they feel from over indulging and asking how to lose the holiday weight when there’s 2 weeks left of it. Is it really worth it?


I recommend listening to your body and considering where you are on your path. It can be tough to break a diet and think you’ll be able to just hop back on it. Mentality is everything.

That said, diets are about health, and mental health is highly important. I’m choosing to break my diet for a one week period (vacation with family and then Christmas) because I’m already on good progress towards my goals, but I’ll be upping my exercise and monitoring calories to compensate. That way going back to 18:6 on Dec 26th won’t be as hard, but I don’t sacrifice the enjoyment of family meals.


Joined a meal yesterday but ate only soup and a slice of meat. Also cooked stew yesterday so had to taste the sauce a few times to get it right. Approximating a total of 150 cals or less yesterday. Today was a “regular eating” day joining the family, having started at 11 and finishing at 8.

Will be eating tomorrow for someone’s birthday (approximating 800 cals but we’ll see how hungry I’ll be tomorrow) to be followed by the usual 24 hour fast with my next meal being on Tuesday.


I might fudge my times a little, but prefer to grab something for later if I can, compared to eating hours before my window opens (or hours after, which also makes me sleep poorly). If something is really amazing, a special treat that is not usually available, I’ll make an exception, but will try to make up those hours the next day. I’ll start my fast earlier or extend it longer.


I’ve always taken a break over Xmas since I started on and off fasting a few years back as I didn’t want to feel I was restricting myself. But this year I’m gonna be almost every day 20:4 or OMAD until the new year, my mindset is just different. I won’t deny myself something extra here or there but I already feel different this year about this period into the new year. It’s different for everyone but if you decide ahead if you’re gonna be 100% or allow room for a little extra here or there until X date. Whatever is best for you mentally I’d say is best and if that means you eat a little more you’re only adding a tiny bit more to your longer term journey anyway


It’s just three days of celebration and dinners - Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. I skip breakfast but otherwise eat normally and mindfully - not too much, and I don’t eat the candy stuff.


So, I’m lucky in the sense that I WFH, I don’t have a lot of family (that I see during holidays, at least) and my close friends are scattered around the country, so the only influence I have regarding my eating decisions really is just me. Not that I can’t be a jerk to myself (it’s why I got to a point where I needed to start IF in the first place) but at least I’m only dealing with one influence, not multiple.

I’m normally doing 22:2 but will open it to 19:5 or 20:4 a couple of days a week (though right now I’m 65 hours into a not-really-planned fast - I’ve done a few 36 hour fasts before but wanted to try for a 72 hour, so Thursday night I thought I’d go for it. And while yesterday was rough, ngl, today has been great so far, so I may extend it to tomorrow depending on how I’m feeling. Either way I’ll have hit my goal, so it’s a win for me whatever I end up doing.)

My plan for Christmas is that yeah, I’ll open my eating window, but I’ll still keep keto. Luckily for me, I love rib roast, so with some carefully considered sides (loaded cauliflower mash, and some spinach artichoke stuffed mushrooms, because I have been absolutely jonesing for stuffed mushrooms for weeks) that won’t be hard. I’ve accepted that I’ll probably go over some on calories, and for me, that will be okay. As long as I keep keto, don’t overeat just because it’s there (but rather, if I do overeat, it will be because I’m legitimately not satiated before my window closes) and return to one of my normal eating windows immediately after (and keep to them) then I’m willing to enjoy myself, and accept whatever minor setback it causes. I’m doing enough work before and after the holiday that it won’t be me “sliding back into bad habits” It will be me making a conscious and controlled decision to enjoy myself on this specific day.

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