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Fasting when you don’t have much fat on you.

Is it safe to fast when you don’t have a lot of body fat to start? If so, how long would you all recommend?

I’ve been reading a lot about fasting for overall health, which I am hoping improves my PCOS and fertility.

However, I am getting mixed information about fasting (and how long to fast) when you don’t have much body fat. I’m naturally 5’4” and 95lbs. I am not really looking to lose weight; I just want to get the benefits of fasting.

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Wow. That’s tiny. My wife is about that height and she’s too tiny at 115.

I definitely don’t think you should do any type of fasting.

I can’t see that being healthy at 5’4 no matter the frame.

Can I ask how old you are?


As someone has suggested above, you might be better shooting for intermittent fasting/time restricted feeding.

A 20:4 or OMAD for example might give you a chance to get at some of the fasting benefits that might help your issue, while also allowing you to to maintain your typically daily calorie intake.

Maybe a starting point, at least.


I’m a 5’10 128lb woman. When you are quite lean, the body has a really hard time dealing with the stress of fasting. Even OMAD causes stress reactions for me, so I eat as I feel I need to. I aim for two meals a day and allow some room for snacks. I found that the healing effects I desired from fasting were achievable through a keto diet of whole and fermented foods.


Much of the advice given on this subreddit is geared toward people already overweight, so your side effects would most likely be adversely affected. Generally speaking, fasting is significantly harder when your bodyfat percentage is already low.

For an anecdotal example, when I fast around 10-12% body fat, fatigue starts a few hours in, and my energy is completely wiped out by 36-48 hours. Conversely, someone who is overweight may feel more energetic during a fast as a result of heightened adrenaline and other hormonal changes during a fast.

I’d check with a doctor before fasting; I don’t want to tell anyone with an underweight BMI to start fasting, even if the goal isn’t to lose weight.


Either do a cheat day of like 10k calories or add some peanut butter or something that you can eat a lot to gain a bit of fat. Also it’s best to limit carbs before a fast especially if you don’t have a lot of bf.

I deal with the same issue. I created habits of intermittent fasting, work out and moving a lot, very limited processed foods, under 100g carbs. It is hard to get enough calories and i feel full most of the day.


I don’t have much body fat and do a weekly or twice a week 24hr fast. Seeing as I’m not trying to lose anything I have a couple gigantic feasts, one before the fast and one after. I tend to eat most of what I would normally eat during my fasting period before the fast save one meal that I add to my post fast meal. I love it because I love eating.


I’m 6 feet and 150 lbs, real string bean, just finished a 6 day fast around 30 minutes ago. I lost 10 lbs, but will gain back at least 6 of those within a couple weeks. The remaining 4 will take another month or so. You shouldn’t lose that much over 6 days, i guess around 6 pounds and gain back 4 within a couple weeks.

I obviously fast foody health benefits, mainly autophagy and inflammation reduction.

Yes, you can feel weak on days 2 and 3, you should start getting better on day 4. However don’t count on getting an energy spike, over never got one fasting at my body fat level.

I usually do 20:4 on the average and eat a low carb/starch diet due to inflammation from arthritis. Sometimes it’s over 24 hours, depends on when I have time or feel like eating. My only side effect of fasting is low energy starting day 2/3, my body is used to 24 hours without food. I can live with low energy for a few days to gain the other benefits.

I’d go for it, but maybe don’t start with that many days, try 4. It works be better if you started with intermittent fasting for 16:8, 20:4 easing into omad. Then it will be fairly easy to go for a few days.

Good luck! Tell your husband not to worry, my wife was the same way, but now she’s only proud of me.

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