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Fasting with a demanding school and work schedule

I’ve tried to IF a few times but I am still trying to be consistent with it. I can only really do it on my days off. How do you intermittent fast while trying to balance a part-time job, school, exercise, and overall long hours?

I want to try intermittent fasting, but I am concerned if it will hinder my alertness during early morning class and late night studying. Those of you with a demanding school/work/life schedule, how do you IF? What time frame do you eat between? What do you eat? What are your energy levels and what do you do when you need some energy or a pick-me-up outside of your eating time frame?

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While it may take a little time to get into it, many experience mental clarity, while on the other hand eating, especially lots of carbs, can make you rather sluggish.

The fasting schedule is really up to you though. Maybe it works for you to eat 7am to 3pm. Or maybe you do two OMAD days on the weekends. However, it’s a lot tougher, and more stressful for the body, to jump into a longer fast right away. Especially if you see this to be a challenge to fit into your life, maybe change one habit at a time. Maybe skip dinner, maybe skip breakfast. I have tried calorie restriction diets before, and was surprised that it’s easier to eat nothing than a little.

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Categories: intermittent intermittent fasting morning energy carbs sluggish fasting schedule omad stress habit dinner calorie restriction