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Fasting with iron deficiency anemia

Would any type of fasting be beneficial to reverse anemia? I recently found out I’m iron deficient, and doc says I need to take iron supplies until they figure out the cause. I doubt it’s due to diet, but may be due to heavy bleeding during period. Would fasting during non-bleeding times be beneficial or make me more anemic?

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Dry fasting has regulated my period. Used to have the same issue. After the fast remember to refeed on iron rich foods as well. My iron is normal now and period is regulated. Am an experienced faster so I do fast through my period due to lack of appetite while on periods.


Do carnivore and dry fast and you’ll feel better asap. I healed endometriosis and estrogen dominance with carnivore/keto and dry fasting, try intermittent dry fasting, don’t eat or drink until around 11am, stop eating/drinking at 5-6 pm. The window is what I do, but definitely move that around to suit your needs just try to keeps your refeeding window tight like that.Some are better with omad, but my stomach hurts eating that much in one sitting so I split my meals into two a day and have noticed a boost in mood and I have no problem walking my 6-10 miles a day this way.

My period were so bad, my iron was so low (I was at a 7!) That passed out at work multiple times and had to he picked up by my brother or husband as I couldn’t drive, that’s some low iron/bad cramps lol So I know if this worked for me it’ll help others out.

My iron is now typically a 13-14, so double, and I don’t eat organ meat, just lots of grass fed beef.Good luck! You got this


Keto and Carnivore have been known to help with heavy periods and overal hormonal imbalances. One of my personal friends got pregnant within 3 months of getting her started on keto. They had been trying for quite some time before that with no luck.

Other women have talked about diminished cramping and shorter periods.


Thx! I’m gonna give carnivore eating a try, along with iron supplements. My iron saturation went from 47 to 5… doc is literally wondering how I’m walking around as normal, but this has probably happened to me many times if its caused by heavy bleeding. I have to see a hematologist to confirm it’s not something else wrong, then I can fast and see if it helps

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Categories: deficiency dry fasting dry fast keto intermittent refeeding omad stomach meat beef