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Fasting without snake juice ?

Hi everyone. I’ve started doing rolling 72s and have managed to go from 94kg to 88.5kg in the span of 6 days. I’m currently at the tail end of a 96 hour fast - breaking it in 4 hours. My question is, I haven’t been taking any “snake” juice or electrolytes but so far I feel great , I have some hunger but nothing too extreme. Is this sustainable? I have been going on slow walks for about 40 mins since today and I feel great. Would it be okay to continue without snake juice ?

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I hated the taste of Snake Juice, too. Until I ditched the No Salt and brought Potassium Chloride. Please dip a finger in No Salt. It’s horrible! But Potassium Chloride is easier on my palate. And Snake Juice taste so much better, IMHO.


I found it tastes gross until my body needed salts, then it all of sudden tasted good! The trick is to take sips and not chug it back, that hurts. I only drink when i feel tired or less energy and then it i feel much better


Just guessing here, but since it’s only been 6 days, it could also be that your body had a lot stored up, so all those extra minerals have been extracted so far, eventually, and especially as your weight goes down and your stored minerals run out, it will be harder and harder. Snake Juice in my opinion is best drank ice cold. To me, honestly, it tastes like cold milk. I put half a tea spoon of pink Himalaya salt and half a tea spook of potassium chlorine, and a quarter tea spoon baking soda into 1 liter of water. You will eventually get used to it…


you can also dilute it.

in 1 liter of water i put

1 tsp salt, 1tsp no-salt, about 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper and appx 2 tbs or less of lemon juice.

you then need to drink it cold so be sure to refrigerate it.

if you do an intermittent dry fast, the snake juice will taste better


Not sustainable. Electrolytes are so critical for your nervous system. Extremely low levels of electrolytes lands people in the hospital regularly. If you’re gonna do extended fasts, you need to drink your snake juice.

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