| | Water Fasting

Fasting *without* weight loss?

I started rolling 48 hr fasts February 1st to quickly treat my severe inflammation that built up over six weeks of lapsing on my carni diet. My meals in between have been zero carb and I am firmly in ketosis, my waist is down several inches (inflammation, not necessarily fat loss) brain fog cleared, and my skin has more of a glow. My initial goals accomplished!

I am sticking with a zero carb diet for health reasons.

I have really enjoyed the benefits I’ve seen from these few short fasts, and really want to try longer fasts, for spiritual reasons.

My question is, how dangerous would it be to do a 7 day fast, or longer, when I can’t afford to lose much more fat? Will my body adapt, or will it just start eating itself?

Tyia ❤️

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I have maintained my ideal weight for almost 2 years now and regularly do 4 day fasts for autophagy and immune boost. I just eat a bit more fat the week before the fast so my body has something to snack on while I’m enjoying the benefits of my fast. I LOVE hiking while fasted! I save big reorganizing projects like the garage or closets for fasts. I love using my kitchen for NOT FOOD projects.


I do 5 day fasts. I’m abound 110lbs with low body fat. I find as long as I’m nourishing my body between fasts I’m fine. The weight all comes back once I go back to my regular routine.

I’m not sure I could do 7 days. I am more than ready to eat after 5. I don’t get the mental clarity or energy others report. I put that down to my lower body fat.

I have noticed some difference in stubborn areas but I also work out and am mindful of what I put in my body. I’m vegan, mostly whole food, don’t drink alcohol, soda etc.

I would not advise a dry fast. Your body needs water and salt more than it needs food.

If you’re fasting to address a health concern you’re going to have more success if you give your body what it needs to function. There’s nothing to be gained from dry fasting. You can Google the studies done on Ramadan fasters (where they don’t eat or drink from sun up until sun down). Even that short period without water led to complications you’ll want to avoid.

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