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Favorite fasting app and why?

Just that.. what intermittent fasting app do you use, is your favorite and why do you choose that one?

Pros and cons?

Free or cost?

Any you don’t recommend at all after trying it, and why?

For me, everyone new, or looking for an app, please give us your experience and help us to track and motivate this effectively!

Fastingapps.com is a 2022 review of 10 apps for one resource.


Stop Fasting Alone.

Get a private coach and accountability partner for daily check-in's and to help you reach your fasting goals. Any kind of fasting protocol is supported.

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I use Fastic for the timer. It also records my fasting streaks and weeks. I find the add to buy the full version a bit annoying but it does the job. It also will send me a reminder if i forget to set it which is kind of handy :)

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Categories: intermittent fasting fastic