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Feel like a failure - Broke my 30 day fast in the 47th hour

I really was trying to go for 30 days , ur I caved when I seen my wife eating delicious takeout. I feel like I am addicted to food and have low will power. Has anyone who has done a prolonged fast been through this.

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Start with smaller fasts and build up to a 30 day fast. Just because you failed once doesn’t mean you are a failure, it means you need a little more practice. You’ll get there and you are not a failure!


47 hours is brilliant.

Try rolling fasts. Aim for 48 hours. One meal and then again. It’s ok if you fall short of 48 hours and if you feel you can go longer, go longer. I started out fasting between 48 hours to 60 hours. Now I’m still doing rolling fasts but my shortest fasts are 72 hours and I don’t feel them at all.


In terms of hunger and cravings, 30 days is little different than 10 days. It’s only the first ~3-5 days that you have to struggle through and really tell yourself no.

IMO, if you’re struggling going into a fast you should just go on keto first until you’re in heavy ketosis (like only lean meats and dairy for a few days). And if you feel like you can’t make it past those first few days, cheat with more of the same food to keep yourself in keto and then just try again until you make it.

Otherwise the carb cravings and your body going from glucose to ketones makes the process a much more unpleasant experience.


don’t give up! I don’t even know how many times I broke a fast, and so early in the fast too because I always was like, “I should eat this before I fast for so long or else I’ll miss it.” what really helped me is starting with one day and then just keep going because I’d be like “oh this ain’t so bad”


Is this the longest amount of time you have been without food? Your willpower is a muscle.Work your way upto it.Some people find after the third day it gets easy.Are you starting off already in ketosis that also helps and having vitamin C and electrolytes.


Start small.. any attempt is ok. Learn from it. Be proud of the 47 you did. Maybe kick ass on a 100 hour in a few weeks?, getting healthy is long term process. Manage expectations and work up to your goals. Good luck 👍


I had same issue last month I broke my fasting due to extreme cold wave hit my city, now I’m doing quite well started my 5d fast last Thursday I plan to break it next TuesdayDear friend I suggest you take a break for few days and try again, or maybe you need a doctor or dietician opinion bfr carry on


Instead of thinking that your original goal was 30 days, try thinking you beated 99% of the people out there.

Very little people know about fasting, even if they do, most are ignorant about it.

Now you my friend did an astonished feat by completing 47 hr fast. Gratz.

Now slowly work your way up. Remember to get them electrolytes while you’re at it


Coincidently I’m reading this 47 hours into a 72 hour fast. The temptations to eat are pretty intense. I think about food a lot during a fast. I think about what meal I’ll break it with and when I should start preparing it. Now I’m reminding myself I have a whole 24 hrs to go and should just stay out of the kitchen. When I do decide to break it I’ll have a banana and some yogurt, followed by a larger meal a few hours later. I’ve fasted enough times to not binge when it’s over.


I think honestly rolling fast are prob the most sustainable method to use. It’s more baked into your daily living. For me as a father of little ones and our crazy weekly schedule extended fast doesn’t cut it for me as least right now it doesn’t.


I’m having a hard time getting through the weekend and have pretty much broken every Saturday. I wanted to go all February and would reach my goal if I had. My timetable may change but I’ll still keep trying. My longest was 20 days and I still want to beat that.


Remember physical and mental health is a journey. Take one step at a time. One minute at a time. Find a moderate balance. Finding a manageable rhythm is more important than a 30 day marathon at first. Remember you are NOT a failure.


In other words, you fasted for 47 hours! Thats still impressive. Dont get too hung up on fast length. This sub gets a little over-zealous at times with the extended fasts. Are you fasting for weight loss?


I have found doing shorter, continuous fasts will have similar results. Unless you have experience doing longer fasts, you might have better results, too. For example, in the last 6 days of fasting, I fasted 58 hours, ate a meal, and fasted 73 hours, ate a snack, and back to fasting again. I am down over 8 pounds. When I have done longer fasts I have yielded similar results. I prefer the shorter ones (no more than 7 days) because I don’t have to worry about slowly refeeding or anything.


47 hours is far more than most people can do, so that’s an accomplishment to be proud of.

Trying to do a 30 day fast without building up to it isn’t the greatest idea. I’ve been doing 24/48/72 hour fasts occasionally for a couple years now. I just tried my first 5 day fast and it sucked. I couldnt imagine jumping right into 30 days.


Honestly? Congrats on a 48 hour fast! Thats not bad for a 1st time go at it!

I have done several 24-36 hour ones and stick to an IF diet, but I will be partaking in my first 3 day fast this month and am even nervous about being successful with that.

Think of all the benefits you still got in a 48 hour fast. 3-5 day fasts show A LOT of benefits, maybe try and make that your next goal? Go for at least 3, aim for 5!


“Failure is an event, not a character.” I’m pretty sure you aren’t “addicted” to “food”. But sugar addiction is real since it’s not a food-It’s a chemical. Don’t beat yourself up. Just try again later.


The great thing about fasting is you can easily start over. Look at it as you made it to 47 hours, that’s an accomplishment! Don’t binge and try a gain with a smaller goal (like 48 hours) when you’re ready. Set yourself up for success not failure.


Saw this great comment on here the other day from a guy who regularly did extended fasts and it was the best advice I’ve gotten.

Don’t go into this thinking you’re doing 30 days just go into this thinking you’re going to go as long as possible and then when it comes time to breaking that fast don’t break it for a trigger food or ‘cheat meal’ plan out what you’re going to eat. At every marker he would reach a goal and then tell himself “actually that wasn’t so hard, let’s do another 12 hours.” “Hmmm I’m 48 hours in and starving but bedtime’s in an hour, let’s push it another 8 hours…” “wow it’s already been 3 days, why not make it 5!”“ Wow that was a lot easier than I thought, let’s make it a week!” And so on.

As soon as I stopped thinking about the end goal and just thought about how good I felt with the higher energy level, being more active, mental health and mood improvement, and how cool it was that I’m overcoming my food addiction, it became dramatically easier. My first fast I had some terrible food cravings and the way I made it through was I told myself I can only break this fast with broth and I’d have to wait 12 hours to eat the food I really was craving. I made it to 92 hours on my first fast using this method and I would have continued but I had only planned on going 24 hours originally and was suffering low blood sugar and vitamin b deficiency so took a pause to get my vitamins and routine under control. Went back in and did a quick 16 hours then again just finished another 42 hours. Don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself with yourself. Notice your own strength and your ability to ignore your hunger cues and youll see a lot of the “hunger” was just your food addiction and habitual eating talking.I’m gonna try for 100 hours next!

Good luck!

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