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Feeling bummed after gaining all the weight back

I moved to Italy recently, and in the last 2 months I gained around 8kg. I work at a bakery, so baked goods are always around and I cannot resist them. Everything is new, I want to try all the food. I stopped doing IF, but just got back to it. There hasn’t been much progress. I saw a photo of me from 5 months ago when I was my lightest and it made me feel so ugly. Sometimes i’ll have a stressful day and eat some junk food because I think I deserved it, but I’ll feel guilty the next day and not eat anything at all. It has been awful for my physical and mental health. I don’t know what to do.

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It is very counterproductive to feel guilty after eating. You did it anyway, so at least enjoy and try to not spike the cortisol up (which would lead to more eating and fat accumulation)
Of course it’s easier said than done, the mantra which helps me a lot is to say to myself on such occasions “it’s the best thing I can do for myself right now”.
I call it “Putting Love Before the Horse”: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xK-pmldaHz0

And spend a week estimating and counting calories. IF is not a magic, it helps a lot to have an organized eating window, but if you overeat over your maintenance - you will gain weight.


I’d gain all my weight back if I moved to Italy as well. Do NOT beat yourself up.

Start over, but try 12-12 first, little goals completed make us happy, then you can up your hour goals. You can do it (again!)


That can be demoralizing for sure.Yet, you’ve taken a big step in recognizing what you need to do.

Now I’m a big Italian cuisine fan & I certainly feel the pain.

Keep things simple…eat what you want in whatever eating window you choose. Don’t go over board, just make good choices…want that cannoli? Have it during your eating window…then perhaps skip cannolis the next day.

You did IF before, you can do it again!😁


You can absolutely get back on track! You work in a BAKERY! What could be more tempting, especially in the beginning?! But, as someone who gained weight in the first few months of working at a restaurant with incredible rolls, the novelty wears off.

Forgive yourself, set your goals, each day is a new day. You’re not ugly, you’re wonderful. You had a huge life upset, you’ll get back on track. You got this!


your gut is controlling your mind. you have yeast and parasites literally addicted to sugar controlling your brain hormones telling you that you had a bad day and to self soothe with donuts and crème. control yourself, self discipline is self love. start up again you did it before and you can do it again. and really read and understand how sugar and pastry flour affects your cells (hardens them and sucks the hydration out of your body)you got this! no more self pity calling yourself “ugly” etc just take action. supporting u x


Can’t imagine how hard that temptation must be. Try to remember that what you deserve is to feel good, and though in the moment that may be eating 5 cannolis, in the long run that’s making you feel like shit. So much easier said than done but try to, for the most part, live in a way that future you will thank you for (the you of tomorrow, and the you of 3 months from now.)


I’m not sure if this random tip will help- introduce the pause when at the bakery.

  1. Select the beautiful irresistible Italian baked delicacy and put it on a plate to the side.
  2. Pause.
  3. Take a bite if you still really want to.
  4. Pause.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4.

The pause may help you think ‘nah, I’ve tried it. It was good but I’m good to not eat the entire thing!’ Sometimes a bite is all it takes to be satisfied. This paired with filling up on non starchy veg (eg prepped carrot sticks) could work really well.

Good luck!


I live here too and I find it easier to skip dinner than breakfast. I also think it’s helpful because they have dinner so late. I do allow myself 1-2 dinners a week so that I can socialize since everything here revolves around food. I do fasting from 15:00-7:00 which is 16:8 that way I get that good lunch.


>Sometimes i’ll have a stressful day and eat some junk food because I think I deserved it.

What helps me out personally is trying to move away from food as a reward or as part of a routine. It’s like alcohol or any other vice for me, there will always be an occasion to justify it. Bad day? Bring some joy into your life with junk food. Great day? Celebrate with junk food. Good news, bad news, there’s always an occasion. I find that separating junk food from routines and rewards makes it way more enjoyable when I do have it.


Think of it this way. You’ve succeeded before, therefore you can do it again. Setbacks happen, and it’s natural to beat yourself up a bit…just don’t wallow in it and start making excuses to give up. Of course you gained weight. You work in in a bakery and I’m presuming everything you have access to is free as a work perk…and you live freaking Italy, which is a culture with some of the best food in the world, and practically revolves around sharing large meals with friends and family as the highlight of the day.

That said, IF is about many things, control being one of them. So take back your control over your own body. Climb back on the wagon, take it one day at a time, and do your best. That’s all anyone can do.

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