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Feeling discouraged

Started a fast Monday evening. Would like to lose about 30 pounds so that’s gunna take about 2 months fasting. I’m not particularly hungry however I’m not especially happy rn. Anything food related I’m hyper fixated on. Like my family is eating or I see a post about food. I almost miss the dopamine of eating. I keep bartering with myself like okay maybe I’ll just stop and go eat. What’s your guys experience with this food depression?

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Fasting is about well being and happiness. Not forced starvation. Take baby steps if you aren’t acclimated yet and set your own standards. What you know you can do and be happy with. Forced starvation doesn’t usually result in long term well being and as a result you gain it all back and more.


If it begins to interfere with daily life I break fast. I feel it’s important to prioritize our mental health. I don’t feel fasting should come at the cost of depression. And you can always fast again when you’re feeling prepared. I reward myself for the fasting I did accomplish with a healthy meal. These days it’s chicken and a salad. Make sure to not punish yourself for not fasting longer but appreciate the fasting you did do.


Are you jumping into extended fasts? What’s your fasting schedule? I recommend starting slow and building up to more extended or rolling fasts otherwise this can happen. I normally do rolling fasts of either 48 or 72 hours but lately I’ve only been doing 24 hour fasts, so basically OMAD. I can’t seem to get my shit together BUT I’m still fasting and that’s important. Find a fasting schedule that works for you to where you don’t feel how you’re feeling. you could do one meal a day and still fast for 23 hours in between. I hope this helps a bit. ✌️


I highly recommend watching some videos about what’s actually happening in your body while you fast. The talk by Dr.Pradip Jamnadas, called Fasting for Survival, is one I watch whenever I do an extended fast. After 24 hours, autophagy begins! Your cells are getting a nice cleanup of all their folded proteins and broken organelles. Isn’t that neat? At around 48 hours, your body is ramping up Human Growth Hormone, which improves everything in your body made of protein! It’s what helps preserve your muscle and heals your intestine while fasting. There are tons of great benefits you get from fasting that aren’t just weightloss. By day 4, your immune system is getting beefed up and new stem cells are being produced. Your own shiny new stem cells just ready to do some good! Definitely start slow, watch your electrolytes, and watch some videos! Dr Jason Fung has some great stuff too. Good luck!

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