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Feeling weak in the mornings

While I’m not new to IF per se, my partner and I recently got back on it after falling off for a while. We’re doing 18:6, and have been on that now for around two weeks.

While this has mostly been working for me, the last couple of days I’ve felt quite weak in the mornings, a little shaky and I guess dazed? Feeling a little out of sorts in general. It normally is worst when I wake up, then subsides a bit and stays just vaguely bothering me until I eat, at which point it tends to go away.

I guess my question is would maybe switching to 16:8 help? If so, would it be better to eat later in the evening or earlier in the day? Is this not an issue of the fasting window at all? I’ve been anaemic many times in the past, and this doesn’t feel dissimilar, but I’m eating a high iron diet and taking iron supplements when necessary.

Any advice would be helpful, thank you!

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This sounds like hypoglycemia to me. If I was experiencing this, I’d be inclined to switch to 16:8 and eat earlier in the day since that is what resolves your symptoms. From there, if desired, shorten your window on either end and see how you do. Every person is different, and our bodies respond in their own way. Sometimes I think you have to tweak to find what works best for you.

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