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Fell Off The Wagon

Hey everyone!

So last year I was able to make some real progress with my weigh loss using IF. Following 18/6 and sprinkling in some 20/4, I was able to lose 15lbs until the holiday season. From there, that’s where I got too comfortable and things got out of control.

Due to this, my weigh loss is only down to 7lbs. If you guys could give me some advice on how to get back on track, and maybe some reassurance that this is ok? I’d greatly appreciate since it’s hitting my self-confidence a bit.

Thank you all.

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It’s all good! The nice thing about IF is that you can always just pick it back up again by changing your eating patterns. No expensive pills, diets, gym memberships, meetings, etc. Just skip breakfast or lunch or dinner to start, and alter it as you see fit. Don’t watch the scale, watch the mirror or how your clothes fit instead. Monitor how you feel on an ongoing basis, and enjoy! You’ve got this!


My advice based on my own struggles with having some success and then failing a few times is set some goals besides just weight loss.

Losing weight is ultimately an outcome of other choices. It’s easy to get off track if you’re only goal is the end, but what I really needed was reasons to engage with the process itself. These were even more important to get me back at it when I did still mess up.

Good luck! You know the how already just find some reasons why!


There’s a Jason Fung anecdote where he describes going on a cruise and not fasting. It was a vacation, he overate. He says when he came home his pants were uncomfortably tight. So, he fasted (possibly for a day or two) and he was back to normal.

The great thing about fasting is that you can enjoy an overindulgence (like the holidays) and simply respond with a period of under-indulgence and be back on track. Don’t stress about the holiday gain, just hop back on the wagon. Self-flagellation is pointless.

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Categories: lunch dinner tea struggle weight loss losing weight jason fung holidays stress