| | Water Fasting

Fell off the wagon- advice to start back up

I started IF last September at 186 lbs- gained weight after having my daughter and never was able to get it off. I would snack all day, no meals during the day and then I would go to sleep and wake up every hour or so and zombie walk to the freezer for Reese cups and other chocolate sweets ALL NIGHT LONG. Horrible sleep pattern, I was miserable. Started 16:8 and actually cooking meals, I lost over 30 lbs in just a couple months. Such AMAZING sleep. Not waking up at all. I got comfortable, and started slacking on my meals during the day which would leave me starving at the end of the day and I started waking up constantly and snacking again. I know where I went wrong and I know I need to get back to cooking my meals and drinking my water. It’s been SO HARD to get back on for some reason. My question- would this be easier if I start out with a long fast to get it going? Maybe 24 hours or should I just eat my lunch and dinner meals today and start fasting at 8pm like I used to? I miss all of the benefits I got from IF and I’m so ready to get back to it!

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Just like if you binge during the weekends, the first 4days are the hardest. Just start. Also if you have a mishape like a snack at night, don’t just throw the whole day away, just note that you screwed up and wait until your normal fast time

I started IF in Nov. 2019. I weighed 215lbs and at 5’11, that was the largest I’ve been. I got down to 185lbs when COVID hit and then did fast for the good part of 2020 but stopped working out and then stopped fasting. I started up again in Dec of 2021, but did not really get going until February. I’ve been lifting heavy so while the scale doesn’t show progress due to muscle gains, the pictures do.

It’s important that you take pictures and track your fasts with an app. I use zero. It’s important because if you feel like you haven’t made enough progress you can look back and say oh yeah, for a week I was not fasting at all.

This place is wonderful for motivation and you seem to know the issues, you got this!

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Categories: snack sleep lunch dinner binge working out muscle