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fell off the wagon and ready to hop back on

24f/5’10 accountability post lol

My question to more experienced and successful fasters who have lost 50+ lbs: How long did it take you to get where you got, and what was your fasting and workout schedule?

after giving birth to my baby boy it took me about 6.5 months to go from 205 to 185, there was a good amount of hiccups in that time where i would fall off the wagon for a week or 2. right now, it’s been about 7 weeks since i fasted and thankfully I didn’t gain any weight, I just plateaued between 183-185. I’m getting married in October, and my weight goal is 150 (my high school weight omg) so as long as I can hold it together till then I think I can do it (or at least get close)! I do at least 16:8 but will usually hit 17:7. I usually maintain a 3 day a week gym routine of about 30 mins elliptical, followed my mostly glute/abs/thigh focused machines and then a stair master burnout. I’m also a server so i do at least 10k steps on the days I don’t workout.

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>My question to more experienced and successful fasters who have lost 50+ lbs: How long did it take you to get where you got, and what was your fasting and workout schedule?

I’m sitting around 67 lbs lost is roughly 6.5 months. I started with just 16:8 and a goofy little infographic of a body weight routine every other day. These days it’s more a mix of 16:8, OMAD, and OMAD+ depending on the day, and I have since upgraded to some dumbbells and a sandbag. Still mostly aiming at a single full body every other day, with a weighted hike on the weekend, and some off time on an exercise bike.

Note I had a lot to lose and still more to go SW280 CW212, so I’m not exactly the norm on the bell curve for results.

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