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Felt terrible fasting for 2 years?

Hi all,

Been intermittent fasting for 2 years on a 16:8 hour eating window, plant-based diet, eating enough during the window. Did it for the cellular benefits. i.e autophagy, lipid profile, and to stay slim.

I had to finally be honest with myself a few days ago and come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t working for me, as hard as I tried to hang on to IF. I’m an athlete (gymgoer, runner, skater) and a student, and for these past few years I just have had awful anxiety (without caffeine, triggered by hunger,) weakness, lack of focus and low energy every morning since I started until I reach my eating window. My workouts sucked, had no energy, tried eating at different times (later in the day,) didn’t work, tried eating more, tried eating more fat, tried everything! Problems persisted.

Has anyone else encountered these issues, how did you deal with them, did you give up IF completely? Do some of you do IF intermittently (lol) during the week, maybe like every other day or just on the weekends to remedy this? Feel frustrated since everyone seems to agree that IF is great when I just felt like crap.


Edit: Drank shit loads of water, I was already fit before starting, did IF to slim down even more/have a locked in eating schedule that would guarantee I’d stay at my goal weight.

Double Edit: I am not criticizing IF. I am just confused.

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Some people have a hard time assimilating proper amounts of B vitamins while eating plant-based.

B6 deficiency can lead to crippling anxiety, especially if the deficiency is chronic and long-term.

This occurs because B6 is needed to produce the calming brain neurotransmitters, GABA and serotonin.


As a person with anxiety, this sounds like your anxiety talking. If IF made you feel terrible, why would you keep doing it for 2 years? 16:8 is not a dramatic IF schedule, it’s basically skipping breakfast. I don’t think that IF has had this dramatic of an affect on you (causing anxiety, making your workouts suck, no energy). I think a check up with your doctor is in order, and perhaps a therapist. Please, if something you are doing makes you feel shitty, don’t do it.


Why would you do something for 2 years that made you feel like shit???

When doing anything, keep these 3 questions in mind:

How do I look?

How do I feel?

How do I perform?

If you aren’t happy with the answer to all 3, try something new…


You might add more protein to diet but I don’t know how old you are but you could have hormone deficiency. I found out that was my problem started testosterone booster shots and feel younger sleep better lost weight a new man.

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