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figuring out activity level for TDEE?

I’m 25F, 183lbs, 5’5”, and currently sliding back and forth between 16:8 and 18:6 depending on the day and my work schedule. I’m about 2 weeks into IF and trying to lose weight, which is doing ok so far, but I’m struggling to figure out my TDEE based on activity level. I’m a shift supervisor at Starbucks and on my feet for 35+ hours a week, but I don’t really exercise outside of that. I initially listed my activity as sedentary and have been eating at a 500 calorie deficit per day, so averaging around 1450 calories a day, but I’m worried that I might be under eating? is that a concern? I don’t want to eat too little and have that negatively impact my weight loss or my mental health. I feel fine in general, I’m not overly hungry except for the last hour or two of my daily fasts. Any thoughts?

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Two weeks in is hard to give a good idea of what your needs might be. I would say make sure right now you are tracking constant progress. Take pictures, track weight, and even take some measurements. If over the next few weeks you start feeling a bit sluggish…maybe add another 100 calories and see how you feel each day. It’s easier to make gradual changes to your lifestyle than sudden more drastic ones! If you are feeling good and are making progress then awesome! If you feel a bit off, see what adjustments you can make to get back on track! Good luck on your journey! You got this! 💪


Have you lost any weight over those 2 weeks? If so you could roughly calculate your calorie deficit by working backwards. For example, if you lost 4 lbs over two weeks that’s 14,000 (3,500 calories in a lb) calories divided by 14 = 1,000 calorie deficit a day. 2 weeks might be too short tho but as long as your weight loss isn’t excessive you’re probably ok.

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