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Filonov Protocol?

Hi all

Has anyone tried the Filonov protocol?

24h fast / 48h fed / 48h fast / 72h fed / 72h fast / 96h fed / 96h fast / 120h fed / 120h fast

In total it’s 29 days, of which 15 is spent fasting

If youve tried it, what were your results?

If I started at 250lb (6’2), what would I end at?


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This is one of Filonov’s “fractional dry fasting” protocols. The basis of all these fractional protocols is to gradually get the body into a progressive healing state, which is much slower than a straight dry fast, but is something people can practice safely on their own without being in a clinical setting.

Filonov and other professional fasting clinicians (myself included) advise not to exceed five days of dry fasting without professional supervision.

What we know:

For example, yesterday I finished day two of my dry fast with a soccer practice and my total (mostly) fat loss is bout 4.5 kilos / 10 lbs. However, I don’t advise any fasting protocol with training for my clients because they’re fasting for therapeutic reasons and need to convalesce; I’m not – I’m fasting for athletic fitness by cultivating ketogenic metabolic energy under load.

Filonov’s fractional dry fasting protocols are great for therapeutic gains and self-care at home. As to your fasting for weight loss, weight loss (enduring) depends entirely upon how you eat, not by how you fast.

Filonov’s fractional dry fasting protocols will get you fat loss, but eating is what determines the way of keeping fat off your body once you get there.

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Categories: protocol dry fasting dry fast body fat keto energy water fast fasting for weight loss weight loss