| | Water Fasting

Finding it very hard to get full recently

I’m finding it very hard to get full recently, I do OMAD and can just keep on eating.. About to down 3000 calories right now.. Filling up on fruits and veg with protein just isn’t giving me that same satisfying full feeling.

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Add fats… and seriously consider your total expenditure of calories and don’t go overboard because hey, ya’ll know CICO is in SOME sense significant, cannot deny that. I wonder if you might be better suited for 20:4 so you can eat one smaller meal and give it time to catch up to your bloodstream/digestion, then a second meal before closing your four hour feed window.


a teaspoon of psyillium husk and 3-4 glasses of water. that mindless little nerve cluster in your stomach that is screaming ‘feed me’ will shut up within 15 mins, plus it’s incredibly healthy. lasts for half the day; I don’t feel inclined to do it more than once a day, and I’ve done it once a day for twenty or so years. tastes pretty horrible, though

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Categories: omad calories fruit digest tea stomach