| | Water Fasting

First 24h water fast complete – don't know where to go from here


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Start with what feels comfortable and build up your fasting muscle.

Rome wasn’t built in a day - and neither is an extended fasting schedule.

PS - hats off to anyone who can pull off a 30-day WF. I can’t (yet), the most I’ve done is a 10-day water fast.


Have you tried keeping carbs low and eating at say 6pm every day? That would be around a 23h fast daily to help get used to fasting. Have a decent protein and low carb veg meal each day. If thats too hard start with 2 meals in a 6 hour window and slowly reduce your eating window.

I suggest eating at night as I find it easier to sleep on a full tummy and start the next day with no food till dinner. You have to experiment to find what works for you.

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