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First 36H fast advice?

I have been doing 20:4 for the past week and have decided I would like to try a longer fast starting tonight at 7pm and then go for 36 hours. As this will be my first longer fast, is there any advice you would like to give me? I am very new at this…

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Along with all the good advice in this thread, a key thing with going for longer fasts is not to be afraid. My first time going for more than my OMAD window I was nervous about side effects, or feeling like shit, or breaking and binging if I even tried to do more than about 24 hours, but the first time I pushed for a similar length fast to yours I ended up feeling so good I extended it to 48 hours, and now I do semi-regular 72s in between regular OMAD fasting with the occasional longer fast for the energy & mental health benefits I get (currently on hour 89 of a week long fast and loving it!)

Relax and enjoy it, focus on the good feelings and the knowledge you’re bettering your health long term as long as you’re fasting in a healthy way, oh and personally (and according to a lot of other people here) the first 24 hours are hardest, pass that threshold and it gets easier and easier by the hour!


Electrolytes are super helpful, along with lots water/tea/black coffee to drink, and things to keep busy.

I read that hunger pangs come in 20 minute waves, and have found that to be true. If you’re feeling super hungry drink some water and take on a task that will keep you busy for 30 minutes. At the end you’ll generally feel better.

Also remember that if you don’t quite meet your goal you can go for it again in the future, and anything beyond 20 hours is making a new record for yourself.


I would add to the other great advice here: the meal you have before starting the fast is important! Try and load up on protein and healthy fats, and minimize carbs or sugar if you can. This makes such a difference in my ability to stick to any length of fasting.


At least you have made an effort at building up to it. Some retards seemingly wake up one morning and decide they are going to do a 21 day fast willy nilly after spending the last week eating the KFC buffet. So kudos for building your fasting muscle to a degree first, as this is just the next step in the process.

Expect a little discomfort. If this shit was easy everyone would do it, but have faith that hunger is not a sensation that continues to grow in intensity until it becomes unbearable. It’s quite the opposite in fact. It will dissipate as time passes. I fully expect that so long as you are in the mental frame of mind to do it, 36 hours later you will cross the finish line and feel a great sense of accomplishment and it will be easier than you anticipated going in.


I do ADF so I do at least 3 36s a week. It’s honestly not much different than a 20. Keep yourself occupied when it’s your normal time to eat, because you’ll want to fall back into your current habit.

If you get dizzy or light headed have some electrolytes but you shouldn’t need them with the length.

Qlso don’t smoke weed if that’s your thing, you’ll want to eat

Someone else said this but eating keto or rather low carb helps a lot

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