| | Water Fasting

First 48hr fast in the bag and 10lbs down since Jan 1st!

My original goal of doing at least 18:6 every day to lose the baby weight has effortlessly morphed into OMADs with a couple extended fasts (44 and 48 hours).

IF’s like riding a bike, it’s so much easier the second time around! With 10lbs down in just a few weeks, I already feel so much better… and pre-pregnancy clothes are starting to fit again!

I don’t want to be too evangelical about fasting, but when you’re subscribed to r/loseit and every day there’s another post with someone decrying how hopeless they feel about their 23rd failed attempt at CICO on 6 small meals a day, I just want to drag them into this sub!

But mention fasting in that sub and oh lawd the downvotes are a’comin…

Even on a very heavily upvoted progress pic I posted a few years back, someone asked how I did it… and the highest upvoted comment was from someone else and suggested CICO. 🤦‍♀️

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I just started 18:6! I’m 7 weeks pp and just made the decision to stop breastfeeding because of milk duct issues, so now that I don’t have to worry about that I’m excited to get back to it. Pre-pregnancy I did 20:4 fasts 5 days a week and I just want to get back to feeling the way I did then.

Your post gives me so much confidence and inspiration!


IF isn’t for everybody. I love it, and think the results on this sub show that it can work, for some even without feeling they are missing out too much. But I happen to stop by another sub yesterday, don’t even remember which one, but there were surprisingly many people who shared their failed attempt at IF, plus negative side effects they attributed to it, and some who are struggling with eating disorders, or disordered eating, and they said fasting made them relapse.

I think we may have a shot here that science backs and endorses our results, but only longterm will tell.

Here are many newbies, like me, some on their way, some success stories, but I would also love to hear if we have veterans among us who fasted, reached their goal, and were able to maintain that lifestyle.


Yeah I totally know what you mean! They are very old fashioned “many small meals throughout the day and measure everything” mentality over there. Yes that is a method, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Intermittent fasting is a relaxed, peace of mind way to diet in my experience. :)


I don’t understand the obsession with CICO? It obviously doesn’t work. I knew it didn’t work even before I started gaining weight, because even back in college I was eating more than my friends and clearly smaller. While some friends were down to eating a muffin and an apple every day, and still couldn’t lose weight. Eventually as I got older that happened to me too.

I don’t know what it is, but CICO clearly isn’t it.


Great job! Just make sure to pace yourself,it is very common to see a lot of weight lost fast, but it’s often not sustainable. But as long as you can maintain the changes that you did then I’m sure you will do great!

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