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First Day of IF 16/8 would love any Tips/Advice!

Hi all! First time mom to almost 5-month old twin girls. I delivered right on schedule at 38 weeks & 1 day, and delivered full term. Both babies weighed 6lbs 11oz. C-Section.

As you can imagine, I gained a significant amount of weight. Day of their birth, I weighed 196lbs. Before pregnancy I was 138lbs.

CW: 170.5lbs. 29 F, 5’4”. GW: 135lbs.

Never done fasting before. Very nervous but hoping this will be the kickstart to lose the baby weight. Planning to do 12-8pm eating window and calorie count using MyFitnessApp.

I am a big sweet tooth and can probably say that I am addicted to sugar. And carbs. Would love any advice/encouragement to starting this journey! Any twin moms who delivered via C-section? I’m so worried about this mom pouch that may never go away 😔 thanks everyone!

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>I am a big sweet tooth and can probably say that I am addicted to sugar. And carbs.

As a fellow sweet tooth and snacker, what helped for me was to just not have it in the house. A lot easier to say no to those cravings if I needed to actually make something rather than having a bag of gummy bears or pretzels in the pantry.

Eventually it gets easier. Even cutting most of the artificial sweeteners helped for me, let my taste finally adjust back to not everything being so saccharine. I used to think I did not enjoy tea or sparkling water, but I was just accustomed to diet soda all the time.


Hi! I’ve had two littles (3 y.o. and 2 y.o.) via C-section and have been intermittent fasting since October 2020. I’m 5’2.5” and my starting weight was 206 lbs (after “losing the baby weight”). My goal weight is 135 lbs and my current weight is 142 lbs. I was addicted to sugar and carbs but have made the decision to break up with sugar and flour for good as of September of this year. I don’t have cravings besides during PMS week, and even then they are tolerable. I highly recommend the books “Delay, Don’t Deny” and “Fast. Feast. Repeat.” by Gin Stephens, as well as the book “Breaking Up with Sugar” by Molly Carmel if you are interested in ditching sugar/flour. However, I’d start with getting intermittent fasting under your belt first before you change what you eat. “Delay, Don’t Deny” is a super quick, easy read (even for busy mamas!), and God absolutely used this book to change my health, which has changed my life for the better. You got this! Let me know if you have questions or want some support! :)


Please ease into it. That’s my advice. Start out fasting 12 hours a day, then 13, then 14, etc. Try reducing your sugar intake slowly as well. I first tried IF when my baby was eight months old and I couldn’t hack it. I had to ease into it after I finished breastfeeding. Now it’s going great. I reduced my chocolate intake slowly as well so now I eat 7-10 g a day only. DM me if you want to chat! I have only been doing IF for a few months but I’m a believer now.

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