| | Water Fasting


54F 5’6” HW: 298 SW: 240 CW: 233

Just completed my first ever extended fast for healing more than weight loss. Am trying to get rid of a foot ulcer that has been hanging around for FIVE FUCKING YEARS! That, and I am trying to reverse PVD/PAD. Was never diagnosed with diabetes but am sure I was right there.

I started immediately on OMAD zero carb/carnivore after I had two heart attacks the beginning of this year (weighing 298 lb). Last week I started the 7 day fast at 240 lb. Went down to 231 lb and after 24 hours and a refeed I am 233 lb this morning.

Besides the bonus weight loss, I feel fantastic from the fast! Like some switch got flicked inside. Everything feels like it’s working smoothly again, not so sluggish and difficult. Not easy to explain but those who know, know.

The only thing that is concerning is my blood pressure has risen by 10 points. Why would that be?

Today I start “one on-one off” fasting. I think this is called a rolling 48. Not sure, but that’s what I am doing for the remainder of this week and then on Monday I will start the next 7 day fast.

Any advice from seasoned fasters and veterans is very welcome.

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I’m pretty new to this but just want to say Congratulations on completing a 7 day fast! That’s great to hear you are feeling fantastic. I’m not sure what the blood pressure rise would be about? Maybe something to do with your body being under some stress from the fast and a rise in cortisol would be my guess, but maybe something to investigate with your physician if it persists.

I’ve just completed a 82 hour fast and am moving on to rolling 48 hour fasts also. During the holidays, there might be days I eat OMAD. Thanks for sharing your story and I look forward to hearing your updates!

May I ask, how was your sleep during the extended fast? My sleep has been awful, and my heart rate is a little elevated from normal. Are you or did you experience that also?

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Categories: 7 day fast extended fast weight loss diabetes omad zero carb heart morning sluggish blood pressure stress cortisol 48 hour fast holidays sleep