| | Water Fasting

First fast since going off diet for Thanksgiving and ooooo boy - this is a rough one

I’m usually pretty good about sticking to my fasting and OMAD + keto routine. But Thanksgiving happened, there was carbs, and lots of them. Basically everything I ate was packed with carby goodness.

Now I’m laying here, 24 hours into my first fast since running out of leftovers, and now I remember why carbs are evil. I could eat my whole kitchen right now.

Say no to carbs, kids.

Anyway, how’s everyone else’s post-Thanksgiving fasts going? You hanging in there alright?

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My 72 hour fast turned into a 24 hour fast. My next goal was 40 hours. Turned into 20.

I easily did 80 hour and 48 hour fasts the rest of November.

So this is a thing? This is how hard it is after thanksgiving?


I managed to get back on the fasting train right before Thanksgiving and now I’ve got zero willpower and a constant goldfish craving…

Trying to be patient with myself but still making bad choices. Adulting is hard.


It is funny, my entire house got a nasty stomach bug over the Thanksgiving break… me, wife and all 3 kids.

So I turned in a nice 40 hour fast because I couldn’t physically eat anything. In a sad and disgusting way it helped, lol.


I usually eat all my favorite and cravings TWO days before I go on a strict diet / water fast, so I wouldn’t crave them during the diet. I am on my 9th day of my water fast (216 HOURS) and I’m still going at it until the 8th of December. Lost 15lbs since Nov 23. And that’s not water weight because I already did an OMAD KETO for a month starting October 23. Now, I’m feeling challenged & feeling great overall. Not hungry too! And I still do intense workouts & lifts at the same time.


I used to have this really bad habit of kinda going wild on the day before a fast. Found out pretty quickly that habit was destroying my mental during fasting days. After switching to lighter foods like salad or light sandwiches on my “on days” makes the “off days” so much easier. Honestly effortless in comparison.


Omg yes! I was on my period the week before thanksgiving and fasting was so freaking hard. I barely made it to 20 hrs on 3 fast days. Then I went on vacation to Vegas and my dad’s for thanksgiving. Now I’m back trying to fast for the first time and I’ve never been this hungry fasting before. I hope my body adjusts back to normal soon!

Edit: okay 4 hours and some bone broth later I am feeling much better! Hang in there fasting friendo!!! You got this!


I’m 63 hours into one and I am struggling big time. I’m not hungry really I just feel bad. I’ve been fighting a headache for four hours now and I’ve been taking electrolytes to fight it (an electrolyte pill, pickle juice, straight up salt water shots) but it isn’t letting up.

I am thinking about calling it off and eating some and starting over in a couple days.

It might be because I got my COVID booster yesterday…


I just completed my first fast over 24hrs. My goal was 3 days and ended up doing 4.5 days. I started the Saturday after Thanksgiving and had been eating all the things that weekend. I didn’t experience too much hunger pains but I was surprised that I was craving things that I normally don’t, like cookies etc. I’m thinking that maybe it’s because those were the last things I had ate? Or maybe my brain just wanted comfort food haha! Next time I will ease into the fast with healthy foods being the last thing I eat.

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Categories: omad keto carbs 72 hour fast 24 hour fast 48 hour fast fish stomach water fast bad habit a fast habit to fast struggling electrolytes pain