| | Water Fasting

First foray experimenting with fasting longer than 16:8. 9 lbs down, 50 to go.


Stats: SW: 179.4 lbs , GW 120 lbs, CW 170.4 lbs. 43F, 5’2\”. Started out with rolling 36:48s. Then creeped into 36:24, then to 60:48s. Loving the results. I survived delightful indulgences over Thanksgiving break, resisted the temptation to break when my kids got pizza and wanted me to make cupcakes. Hoping to keep myself accountable and post my progress each month.

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Keep it up. I remember when I first started and was working out at the same time. The first week or so was tough but I found the willpower because I was 33, getting bigger and at that point saw no other way out and was only going to get bigger. I was pushing 290lbs standing at 5’10” 1/2. Dude keep that excitement and keep that motivation. Whatever you need even if it has to come down to vanity. Just have your reason to do it. I’m down to 214 since last June and still going. At 20:4 now and it still gets hard sometimes but I just remind myself that I want to see my kids get older and be able to move and live my life. I’m only 35 so still young and taking advantage of my “youth” lol. Good luck and I’m pulling for you and waiting to see an update in a year that you’ve hit and maybe surpassed your goal.

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