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First period after starting IF, and it's brutal?

New to this sub/IF and have been slowly implementing intermittent fasting techniques over the last month (average of 18:6 most days).

Since I started, I’ve broken a weight plateau, dropped a several pounds, and have generally felt good both physically and mentally – until my period came around. I typically have pretty moderate periods (my only symptom is usually minor irregularity) but this time I got the worst PMS depression I’ve ever experienced, it was a full 11 days late, my breasts really hurt, the cramps are awful, I’m super tired, I’ve been nauseous for days, and the flow is heavy.

Did anyone else see a worsening of menstrual symptoms when they first started IF, and if so, did they get better over time?

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My guess… your body decided to delay ovulation 10-12 days for whatever reason, which in turn delayed your period (since that’s how it works), and that extra 11ish days gave your body extra time to build up a thick lining. Thus, more hormones, worse PMS, heavier bleeding. Could be related to IF, but could also just be one of those random biological flukes.

Other possibility is that you were actually pregnant but had a very early miscarriage. I won’t ask any invasive questions about your sex life, but just mentioning it since it’s within the realm of possibilities. If that’s what happened then absolutely nothing you did or didn’t do would have caused or prevented it.


I experienced this, along with keto I started IF and found my periods became much worse than they had been in years, heavier flow, aching breasts for days before my period started, and cramps, which I usually don’t get very badly. I continued keto and IF very consistently for about 4-5 months, and each period was the same heavier/worse version. Then I stopped keto/IF for a few months (or followed them irregularly) and my period went back to its normal.

From what I read, part of it is because of weight loss, hormones are stored in fat, so when your fat is broken down all those hormones are released, which can make your period go haywire.


Just wanted to let you know that when I fast for too long during that time of the month I also have worse symptoms, mentally and physically. At one point I was reeling in pain from cramping and within 30 minutes of breaking fast early the pain had significantly lessened. I’ve been doing IF for many years, and my best suggestion for you would be to ease up on your fasting during that week and few days before, and possibly add in more healthy carbs (of course if you’re comfort with that, only about 20g more a day) in that week. You may slow down progress a tiny bit, but for me it’s been worth the hormonal headache. Hope this helps :)

Edit: it has gotten better over time, but not enough for me to not make the small changes above


This happened to me briefly and I also got spotting, it normalised eventually but when I have my period I only do 13:9 and I do eat more carbs to help with the hormonal fluctuation during that week.

Hope this helps but you may need to consult a doctor!


I experienced this too. My period was moderate, but after a couple months of losing weight doing IF, my PMS symptoms were more intense and then I had really heavy period. Hair loss too. From what I’ve learned this is normal for weight loss. I do things to make that time more comfortable and it really helps. My PMS and period have improved over time so hopefully it will get better for you too.


I have not gotten symptoms as such, and 18:6 fasting is pretty mellow in the realm of fasting, compared to ADF or extended. Also, irregularity with a period will only happen on extended fasts (20 day water fast, not even 10) or excessive weight loss in a single month (think 20+lbs). The fasting shouldnt be a problem, so that’s good news!

Just being a woman, I’ve noticed that some periods are worse than others. One period I can be fine, there next my whole body hurts, I’m sluggish, and I cry at the thought of crying lol

This may sounds stupid and I hated it when my mom told me, but it worked for me. Keep your feet warm. I’ve noticed that I have THE WORSE cramps when I don’t wear socks. Costs nothing to try it. Especially now during summer we are all bare foot!

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