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First post- 12 hour fast question

Long time lurker, first time poster. I have lost 12 pounds since thanksgiving with 14-16 hour daily fasts and an occasional 20.

I have recently started reading Gin Stephens’s book “Fast, Feast, Repeat” where she advices to not intermittent fast while breastfeeding, which I am doing. I have a 7 month old.

Her rationale is “Since we burn stored body fat during IF, it makes sense that those toxins would be released with IF, as well.”

I’m super bummed because fasting hasn’t hurt my supply and I’m having luck getting the weight off for the first time ever.

My question is in regards to just doing the bare minimum: 12 hour fasts.

I feel like that’s short enough it would probably negate the possibly side effects with breastfeeding.

Any encouragement you can offer while still having success just doing 12:12?

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There have been times in my life where I wasn’t able to fast my regular hours, such as needing to take medication with food at certain times. I’ve found that if I swap to a shorter fast like 12-12 during those times, it’s MUCH easier to get back to normal afterwards, than if I give it up entirely. Even if 12-12 is just regular eating hours, thinking of it as 12 hour fasts keeps me invested mentally.

As far as IF while breast feeding, definitely talk to your doctor. No one else here can tell you what specifically will be best for you and your baby.


Gin Stephens isn’t a Doctor. I’m sure she’s extremely life-educated on the IF topic, but its still not the same.

It would not be a bad idea to talk to your doctor to ease your mind and make sure all is well with You and your Babe.

But also… Do you feel good? If you feel good and your milk flow is good, it would stand to reason that your hydration and nutrition is within a healthy range for you and your baby’s needs right now.

Is your baby healthy and doesn’t seem to be lacking in nutrition? A healthy weight for his/her age? Bright-eyed and active?

Again - best to seek advice from your Doctor just to be 100% certain all is well. Congratulations on your Baby!

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Categories: 12 hour fast gin stephens intermittent body fat courage to fast medication nutrition