| | Water Fasting

First Post: MY Accountability post and starting fresh…. Again. I WILL! 16/8 fast.

I’m 39 year old, 6’1”, 300ish pounds, father one one daughter, soon to be two daughters. I’ve struggled with weight most of my life and obesity runs in my side of the family. My wife who is pregnant, is also chubby. We have let ourselves go over the past 9 years of marriage.

My work outs consist of 1x per week peloton, and 1x per week ice hockey. I’m also on my feet most of the day logging 9k-12k steps daily.

I log my food in lose it. I have good days and then I have bad days. When I eat something I shouldn’t my mind always turns to the thought of “well this day is a fail, screw it and start fresh tomorrow” but then I continue to make bad decisions for the day. I also can binge late into the evenings.

I work as a restaurant manager. My entire professional life has been involved with food in some sort of capacity. I went to culinary school and worked in countless restaurants. To say food has been a large part of my life is a understatement.

I have also spent 4 months with a online nutrition coach with some success but after a trip to Disney in March and that “f it” attitude I haven’t been able to recover.

So here I am. Recommitting yet again.

I WILL log ALL food and drinks consumed. Goal of <2300 calories daily. 16/8 fast. Only eating from 12-8 daily.

I WILL work out a minimum of 3x this week for a minimum of 30 mins. Plus my regular weekly hockey game.

Those are my two goals to start this week.

💪 we can do this!!! I’m sick of being fat! I want to live a long healthy life for my wife and girls. I want my clothes to fit better. I want to be comfortable on my skin. I want my back to not hurt.

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Good luck and wish you success. I’ve fallen off the band wagon a time or two.

I always feel if I can stay true to my eating window for 2 weeks straight, i get back into keep better habits of what I eat.I’m currently in week 2 of controlling my eating window and I already see it helping me with what I eat during my window.

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