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First time fast length question

How long can a first timer fast for. I have a lot of extra wight so my fat stores should be able to support an extended fast, but is it bad to do for my first fast? I have 60lbs of extra fat and I would like to start with a 30 day fast, mostly because I feel like if I just do 48hr fasts I won’t keep up with it. I really want to change and I think an extended fast would be the best way to “reset” my mind and body, is this safe/possible?

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You are pretty confident that you’ll manage a 30-day fast even though you believe you can’t do rolling 48s. This shows me you have an unhealthy relationship with food and you need to work on that first. Even if you do it for 30 days (which is extremely hard for non short fasters, İ couldn’t go past day 7 and abandoned the fasting ship for a long time because it was too hard) it is not a guarantee you will keep the weight.

Take it slow, learn to fail but slowly get up. You can of course try to go for 30 days, just know that if you end up binging, you need to remember to forgive yourself and keep restarting. That is the hardest bit rather than the fasting, I think.

I am doing rolling 48s so if you need anything, reach me.


My first fast was a 7-day fast with a really damaged colon that couldn’t digest and regulate what I ate. So I’d say anything was possible but my case was extreme back then. For a beginner, much better to fast 36 hours and do 2 meals in a 4 hour eating window (low carb high fat) and then jump into another 36 hour fast again. Imho, it’s easier and is effective. Recommend shorter rolling fasts. As you keep doing rolling 36s, you will notice your fasting time going up naturally and extending to 72s, 84s and 96s. This helped fix my digestion issues and colon health. But my refeed game was solid to make it work (low carb high fat, no processed/refined carbs/no gluten/no millets/no seed oils/no coffee/no vegetable fat/no grains). Hope this helps.


I disagree that bc you cannot do 48s you can’t achieve longer. Other peoples weaknesses are not your own and shouldn’t be taken as fact. My first fast I did 12 dry and didn’t know anything about snake juice. Even now I do struggle with 48s but I can do 4 days or more fine, making it past the 3rd day is statistically the most difficult day for most people so making it past that point is where people usually fail. Due to the last die off of imbalanced gut bacteria typically creating cravings to be fed in your intestines this feels like you’re absolutely ravished. Seems extreme but if you didn’t begin your fast with an enema at this point it will help tremendously. If you’re not comfortable with that then don’t and keep your mind clear. A short walk etc. A bowel movement around this time will eliminate the feeling if your capable. By the next day you will be surprised to wake up with no hunger and go through the next energetic wave. It’s pretty amazing. I will say if you are preparing food for others this makes it difficult so try to avoid it or stay focused during. I had some holiday parties I cooked for and when I tell you I was white knuckle stirring 😭 I’m not discouraging you from 30 but I will say beginning 7 days then breaking with a juice fast then resuming another 7 days is alittle easier. But again this depends on your frame of mind through this. Also get sunshine. It helps dramatically. I hope this helps and I look forward to hearing your updates.🤍


I would advise against that for the simple reason that you seem to have an unhealthy relationship with food you should work on first.

I know that proplly not what you want to hear but if you cant keep rolling 48s going but plan on a 30 day fast. Start slow by doing 16/8 IF or maybe OMAD if you feel like it and then move into rolling 48s.

You do not need to go and jump into the ice cold water of a 30 day fast to see results. Start building a sustainable fasting routine rather than wanting to have all the the results “tomorrow”.


Do you even watch coles videos? New protocol man, 7 days refeed start over….PROVE YOU CAN DO IT BEFORE SAYING IT. 30 days is harder than you think….unless you sit around and do absolutely nothing…

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