| | Water Fasting

First time fasting

I want to try fasting. I decided to start today. I know there are different kinds of fasting. I’m not sure what it’s called when you just don’t eat any food for a prolonged period of time, but that one. I’d like to go a week without food. I’ve heard that your body still needs vitamin b to break down stored fats. Is that correct? If I can, I’d like to go without intaking ANYTHING except water. Not even supplements. I know that it’s possible, but is it reasonable? Please tell me things I should know going forward. Again, I started today, about 6 hours ago.

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If you’re doing more than 24 hours, read the FAQ on electrolytes.

You can get by with just water, but you’re probably gonna be in mental hell after that and potentially at medical risk the longer you go as a first timer.

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