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First time fasting today and have some questions

today i started my first ever fast! its only for a week (let me know if it needs to be longer or shorter). but ive been lurking on this sub for a while now and have read up and researched fasting but i still have some little questions.

what should i be drinking while on a fast besides just water?

is the Mio water enhancer okay to have while fasting to get electrolytes?

and lastly what do i do after my first fast?

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You can drink herbal teas on your fast if you wish, just no added like sugars etc that would equate to calories, i dont know anything about that mio water enhancer, and after the fast you should have a plan of how to refeed, start rebuilding slowly with fats, then dairy then meats (avoid carbs at first cause they can make you feel sick and all sorts).

Also starting ur first ever fast with a week all at once might be difficult, so dont be discouraged if you end it earlier but no matter how long you fast for, its an accomplishment! Only 2 days? Successful 2 day fast! So good luck, make sure you take good electrolytes too theyre very important, mainly magnesium, sodium, chloride and maybe potassium but I managed to get by with just magnesium supplements, general vit and minerals supplements and a teaspoon of table salt. Wishing you the best! :)


There’s no “only” especially with a 7 day one LOL I’d say listen to your body! If you feel like crap before the 7 days are up, there’s absolutely NO shame or “failure” by making it shorter. You can always do a new fast, so never ignore what your body is telling you. (also, nothing wrong with doing several “shorter” fasts, they can be more sustainable than attempting to do too long fasts)

No Mio, since even zero calorie sweeteners can cause an insulin spike and interrupt your fast; tea, green tea or black coffee are OK, but nothing with stuff added to them, like some tea places make blends with rock sugar and/or fruit pieces added to the teas. I’ve had no issues with herbal teas like sleepy teatime, or loose leaf tea.

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