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First time in life I have control over my bodyweight/fat

Hey folks,

I am 29, male and after started with OMAD my interests shifted to fasting because of the health benefits in longevity. I started to read Jason Fung and understood the dependence between Insulin and fat loss.

I was always on the chubby side as a kid and thankfully I got attached to sports (running, hiking,…). This prevented massive weight gain but I always was a chubby runner. The kind of, you didn’t believe that I run regularly. I always thought when I do more sport I will get thinner. Spoiler it didn’t work, because life. I enjoyed my 20s also with party and alcohol and the more sport I was doing, the more I ate.

Over the years I gained every year about 1 - 2 kg, always doing more sport. It was very depressing because I saw many of my friends doing half of my Training and got a great anatomy. All diets crashed, Keto,… And after that the Yo-yo effect wich lead to more sport. In October I turned 29 with 88 kg, with 172 cm and my ankles hurted from running with that much weight. My jeans didn’t fit and I was depressed as fuck.

So I started OMAD and after much ready I started fasting (now in 36-48 hrs cycling once a week) lost since then about 7 kg. I run faster again with no pain and I can run again for fun and not for weight loss. I didn’t had a yo-yo effect in February when I was skiing 2 weeks with friends. The best is I feel lighter than normal, no hunger pain etc. I realised I ate always out of habit, or because of fitness YouTubers said for muscle growth and not from hunger itself. Just the control I have now over my body is a pure bliss.

My goal is to reach 72 kg or body fat about 12% in August and I really think I can make it the very first time in my life.

Thank you for reading, it was just something I wanted to share

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Ditto! I was an overexerciser as well. Society kind of pushes that mentality, even the workout videos would go on about how many calories you’re burning etc.I had a very healthy diet with portion control, but couldn’t seem to keep the weight off. Enter thyroid issues and I kept gaining and gaining despite being incredibly fit and active.

So I gave up, figured I’d just be buff and big and I’d have to be ok with that.

Started fasting because someone said it’s good for inflammation and health, lost weight for the first time in my life. It’s been off for over a year now. I am going to enter my second summer as a skinny person and looking forward to it.


Love this. I feel the same way, and I think we have similar goals.

What I like about fasting is that it’s simple. I don’t need to count anything, really, or analyze every meal I have. Plus health benefits like autophagy, lowering blood pressure, and the amusing looks of friends who cannot fathom not eating for a day. They were prepared to call the hospital after my 72 hour fast because they are under the impression if you don’t eat for that long you’ll die lol

Oh, sweet friends.

Anyway, I’m with you on this. The sense of control is *chef’s kiss*


Same homie. 29 and doing Intermittent fasting. Having control of your fitness and weight/health will translate to be mood and more confidence. I rather be at my peak health and lonely than a fat slob and lonely. Fitness increases your chances of meeting someone by ten fold.

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