| | Water Fasting

First time please help

Hello, i am planning to do a FULL straight 7 day soft dry fasting and want to know what to expect.

I have zero experience whatsoever.

Zero preparations and doing this for weight loss. Been on SAD - standard american diet all my life too. I am 80 pounds overweight and so frustrated that is why i am thinking to just go full cold turkey.

Am i gonna feel sick-ish? Cold? Tired? Heartbeat?

How to know when to stop? Risks of cardiac arrest? Aneurysm?

I would love any info…

I understand mental and physical preparation and practice are key but i am really going impatient of failing every single day.

Peace ❤️

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I’m being 100% honest in telling you that I personally would not recommend starting with a 7 day dry fast. I understand the being sick of being overweight and feelIng like you’re failing and I have personal experience in water fasting, dry fasting and especially the SAD and being overweight. I would do a 2-3 day maximum dry fast to begin with and work your way up to the 7. It will probably feel like you’re dying especially if you’re someone who regularly stays hydrated. There are definitely a lot of health risks in going as long as 7 days, especially when you start drinking and eating again. I’m a semi-experienced faster and I haven’t done 7 days dry yet, I’ve attempted several times but I can’t make it past day 5, but hoping to one day.

Prepping yourself by eating clean or raw or even a keto diet to maximize benefits is going to set you up for success in the long run, also intermittent fasting will help you long term as well. Try eating only every other day or the one meal a day approach. I’m only giving this advice because it seems like weight loss is your main goal of this venture and I’m going to be honest you probably won’t see much of a result on your first few fasts, even if you are able to do longer ones initially. You end up gaining back a lot of the weight back from water intake first and then caloric intake and might end up even heavier than when you started, speaking from personal experience. I used to watch a lot of this lady Dr. Mindy Pelz on YouTube and she covers a lot of different types of fasting and it’s what kind of got me more serious about fasting. Some of it is a little pseudo-sciencey and trying to sell products but if you look past that it’s some decent info. Really fasting needs to be a mind set and a long term thing or even way of life in a sense if you expect good lasting results from it.

I hope none of why I’ve said is discouraging to you and hope you get something good out of it, and I hope you still attempt, but in several shorter fasts. If you still want to go for the 7, please just listen to your body and make sure you’re being safe and get medical attention if you start to feel really bad. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have as well. Good Luck! 💜

Also don’t look to it as this whole big task you have to accomplish, just start with focusing on the first day, it will help to not make it seem so overwhelming.


7 day dry fast woth no experience. You need a reality check friend. That is really dangerous with no experience. Longest o went was 36 hours and ye my heart was on a mad one lol great experiecne though. Why not try 1-2 days first and sont forget to break in correctly as yoir kidneys will be really acidic


Build up your dry fasting muscle. Start with one day and go up one day every week. You put on 80lbs in a lot of time: let your body get rid of it, permanently, in the correct way and time.As additional ( not requested ) advice I’d start the keto diet: it has advantages in the weight loss process and also, more important, don’t give you cravings during the fasts.


I’d be suprised if you pass the day one. You’re clearly underestimating how tough dry fasting can be. Besides… I will never understand why someone would dry fast for mere weight loss. There are several other ways to achieve it way better and easier without having to endure dehydration from dry fasting. You could do keto diet, low carb diets, caloric deficit diets, standard Intermittent fasting, occasional prolonged fasting and etc.

DF is the most extreme kind of fasting. People usually do this to treat certain health conditions on their bodies that other approaches failed in doing so. If you still want to do this, I’d reccomend to first start intermittent fasting, build up to prolonged fasting and just then try dry fasting. Preferably while eating a low carb to keto diet to slowly adapt your body to ketosis and break the dependence on carbs.

Going cold turkey on this will cause huge amounts of stress on your body where it’s very likely that you’ll either give up or get sick (maybe even die if you’re crazy enough do force yourself no matter what).

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