| | Water Fasting

First timer starting on Monday (May 21st) - looking for support!

After doing IF (18:6) for a couple of months, I want to give fasting a go. Want to do 5 days (Mon-Fri) but we’ll see how I feel! Emotional eating (and boredom eating) is what I mostly suffer from so I think it will be more of a mental challenge than a physical one.

Starting Monday 21st, looking for some people who are interested in starting together for support!


Day 1, May 21

07:00 Woke up with the worst bloating I’ve had in a while and really tired. I had a bad day yesterday and stuffed myself with a bunch of unhealthy stuff. Didn’t really prepare for this fast the way I should have 😅

18:00 Some headaches, a bit grumpy… definitely food temptations especially since I work with a lot of food businesses. Had to resort to some coffee in the afternoon to help with hunger but I think it may have woken it up even more. Going to a yoga class in the evening to spend less time at home and clear my head. Shouldn’t have had all that sugar yesterday.

Day 2, May 22

07.00 Grumpy, hungry and tired! But I know this is the breaking point, I know it does get easier :) having quite a busy day today so hope it will keep my mind off food. The hardest part was cooking dinner for the fam last night and not just giving in to the smell temptation!

Day 3, May 23

I’m still alive! :) lost 6 pounds so far which is of course mostly water weight. Can’t say I’m experiencing huge physical hunger strikes but psychologically it’s getting quite hard. It takes crazy force to not just reach for something to munch on. Mostly I just want some good quality rustic bread - carbs, carbs, carbs, caaaarbs.

Day 4, May 24

08.00 Yesterday went super well! Today is hell. I woke up feeling horrible, weak, cloudy. Barely made it to work. Is this like a breaking point or something? I’ve made some bone broth yesterday, so I may continue my fast on that but I still have to wait for the fat separation to occur, so it won’t be ready to consume before this evening/tomorrow morning. Really want to reach the end of the week and I was 100% convinced this would be no problem last night! But this morning is something different! In other news, I’m down 7.7 lbs in 3 days and have bad breath. Yay!

Day 5, May 25

Last day of the fast and probably he hardest of all! I think it’s because I know it’s the last day though, cause physically I feel I could carry further. I really enjoyed the fasting experience overall, although I’m kinda bummed I only lost 1 pound from day 3 to 5…. but total weight loss was 7.7 lbs. I’m gonna break my fast this evening with a couple of nuts and broth to get the system going and then have a first meal tomorrow: eggs, avocado and some grilled halloumi.

MY PERSONAL ADVICE This was my first fast longer than 36 hours so I’m def not an expert at this stuff, but here is some personal advice:

Let me know if you have any questions!

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I start today as well! First time fasting also. I have to lose at least 30 pounds for health reasons. Glad I found this post. I unfortunately started off with a 3 mile walk. Read online that exercising isn’t recommended. Yikes. I want to do a 20 day challenge. Hopeful.

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Categories: bloating coffee evening sugar dinner carbs weak morning weight loss struggle