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five days into a seven day fast and it sucks

i’ve fasted before, though my longest was a dirty 77 hours; mostly i’ve gone up to about 60 hours a few times this year (maybe six in total). on those previous fasts, i would feel the effects of autophagy on the second day quite clearly, feeling pretty good, skin looking great, being energised and so on.

now i’ve decided to try a longer fast and am 125h into my 168h fast and this far, the best it has felt was tolerable. the first two or three days were super tough mentally, i just wanted food. then, i found i could distance myself from that mental appetite but i have been perpetually hungry since. the hunger is bearable and feels more like a slight illness than something to make me eat, i don’t even really find food that desirable at the moment, though i find myself wanting to eat for comfort or to battle the overwhelming exhaustion i’m feeling. i barely sleep - it takes hours to fall asleep despite full days of work, and i sleep super lightly and seem to wake up every thirty minutes, so the next morning i’m exhausted and feeling shitty, especially with the constant slight hunger.

i really hoped to be feeling all that energy and the fasting highs by now. i’m taking my electrolytes and drinking enough water, and i will push through because mostly i feel exhausted but not physically ill. i look thinner (i think) and i’ve lost at least 2.5kg so that’s something, but i am pretty disappointed overall nonetheless.

mostly wanted to vent, but if anyone has any ideas on what’s going on i’m happy to hear.

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I am also five days into a seven-day “pre-Christmas with family” fast. I tend to do a seven-day fast once a month with shorter three and four-day fasts when needed. I used to have the issues you noted, but long ago, I figured out what works for me.

Several years ago, I started water fasting and keto and did water fasts ranging from 24 days (my longest) to much shorter three-day fasts. Almost immediately, I realized that my electrolytes we out of wack.

I did all the research and read all about what I needed, and what worked >> for me << was a product from Onnit called “Total Human,” which I got from Amazon. I added 2000 mg of Sodium Chloride to it daily, and that is what I use while fasting. Interestingly I DO NOT use it when I am not fasting.

Within a few days, I noticed my symptoms decreased and felt 10,000% better. Now, I will start on Total Human 24 hours before starting my fast, and while it’s not perfect, I rarely have any fasting side-effects anymore.

I hope this helps…..


I felt exactly like this during my 7 days. I think it has a lot to do with electrolyte management. I had sea salt, which screwed up my mouth, a few pills that were underwhelming, and lemon slices in my water.

Someone in another thread said these were good to try so I bought some for next time - https://www.amazon.com/Extended-Electrolytes-Himalayan-B-Complex-Vitamins/dp/B08ZYWC5Q8/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1YA0WDBA6KVXK&keywords=reset+electrolytes&qid=1671460478&sprefix=Reset+%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-5

Staying active helped I think. I lifted three days per week like normal and walked. I found long baths in epsom salts made me feel really tired but good.

Hang in there and you’ll make it!


I’m on day 4 of a hopefully 10-14 day fast (depending on how I feel). Tolerable is a good description. There are ups and downs, and when I feel lousy I have to remind myself of worse suffering I’ve endured for less useful reasons (I only do extended fasts for health reasons. It is easy to get caught up in the weight loss aspect though.). I’ve been getting about 4 hours of sleep a night.

I keep up with my electrolytes, and they do help since I feel worse without them. I’ve never felt fasting euphoria. Just some brief adrenaline highs (which I don’t really enjoy, I don’t like feeling jacked up).

I just figure everyone’s bodies are different, especially with different health conditions, so results will vary. Reading about extended fasts and IF in general seems like all rainbows and sunshine, but that seems to be how most “miracle cures” are touted. The reality, for me at least (and for anyone repeating the addage “Don’t trust a fart”), is less glamorous. I do believe in the health benefits of fasting, but not that it cures everyone of everything. And after experiencing extended fasts for myself, I know that not everyone feels great during.

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