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Food fortification is preventing deficiencies that affect 2 billion people


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And this is why we don’t make blanket assumptions that processed foods are “bad.”

Especially when it comes to “kid foods.” There is a reason why say, chocolate milk is fortified with vitamin d, or cereal is fortified with calcium.

Those are nutrients that children cannot afford to miss out on. We can make the argument that there are better vitamin D sources. We can also make the argument that if you’re a parent working 2-3 jobs, you’re not gonna have the wherewithal to have a war with your child every day, who refuses to eat certain foods.

At the end of the day, if it’s between a child having sugar in chocolate milk, or having rickets disease, you give them the chocolate milk. You cannot fight the wrong battle

If your kid is an easy kid, who eats what you give them, good for you. But never judge the carts of another person.

The other thing is, vegan diets. If you’re a vegan, it is very very important have to focus on b12… active b12, too. this is a key nutrient that can have very serious consequences if you are deficient for too long. Things like nut milks, etc are often fortified with these nutrients.

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