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Food with medication

I searched the sub but haven’t really found anything.

I have medication that I started taking in the morning and it makes me light headed without food. I don’t like doing 16:8 so early in the day and the morning is the only time I can take the medication. I don’t have to take it with food, just makes me light headed. I can take it other times in the day but if I don’t do the morning, I’ll be more likely to miss doses. Do you have any suggestions on how to make this work better?

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I guess if you dont want to move your window too early and you must take it in the morning, find out what’s the absolute latest you can take the medicine and start your eating window there, and eat enough to hold the medicine down and save the bulk of your calories for towards the middle and end of your eating window. Only solution I can think of other than doing what you dont want to do: just dont eat with the meds even though it doesnt make you feel well to do that or move your eating window to the morning.

I mean another solution is just that maybe IF isnt for you. And that’s ok, theres other ways to meet your goals.


Can you drink something with the meds? Like coffee or tea? Or even water? Worse case scenario you could always eat a couple of crackers or something, yes they’ll break the fast but the calorie count is pretty low. Gotta do what you gotta do.

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