| | Water Fasting

For those of you waiting to see results…. On vanity pounds…..give it at least 2-3 weeks.

Hi. So i was carrying around an extra 10-12 pounds or so. I eat fairly healthy and work out 4-5 days a week pretty intensely. I was frustrated that I wasn’t seeing real changes after the first few pounds of water weight came off, things seemed at a standstill! Ugh!! I’m Proud to say about 3 weeks in I finally am seeing changes. It’s really slow but starting to move the needle. I would say for anyone trying to loose the last 10, don’t be afraid to throw in a 20 hour fast. Also give it 2.5 -3 weeks. Seems like an eternity when you are looking for progress! Thank YOU to those who commented on my prior post to stay the course. Really appreciate everyone. F/44/ CW: 141.2😃/ SW: 145? 146?/GW: 132

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Are you me? Nice work! I have the same challenge with the 5 vanity pounds (and I call them this, too)! I work out like you and those pounds (they live on my belly) did not budge until I started IF 16:8 in November. 3 weeks in and they just melted away. I was shocked and awed! I think I gained ‘em back during Christmas, but now that I know I can lose them in a couple weeks I’m worry free :)

Keep it up! I’m 39, it’s the path forward for me.


I’m almost the same weight as when I started about a month ago (and holidays have definitely been difficult) but what’s keeping me motivated is that my measurements (bust, waist, hips, thighs) are all actually less than when I started but an inch or more. I can feel it in my clothing even though weight is similar. Definitely helps to have different ways to measure the change than just the scale.


I’m on week 5 and haven’t seen the scale budge at all. I have about 15-20 lbs to lose and have been doing 17:7. Starting to get frustrated but still feeling hopeful. Any motivation you have would be helpful! I’m also consistently working out alternating long walks, cardio and weights 5 days a week.

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