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For those of you who do OMAD or just have small eating windows, what do you eat?

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Meat, cheese, veggies and eggs. I try to eat really clean, avoid seed oils, and eat a ton of protein. Been doin OMAD for around 4 years. Taco bowls are a common go-to. 1 lb ground beef with taco seasonings, mixed up in a giant bowl with lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, peppers, onions, sour cream and hot sauce. Cheese burger bowls - basically whatever you like on a burger, mixed with ground beef in a bowl. Steak and salad, bacon and eggs, pulled pork, brisket, chicken, etc. etc…


Nutrient dense meals. A large, vibrant salad (I.e variety of veggies) and generous helping protein source, maybe hard boiled egg or two, probably topped with keto friendly nuts and blue cheese dressing…I was doing these every few days.

I’m on ADF now after doing Omad but still like to do that salad at least twice a week. Lots of good vitamins and minerals + protein to rebuild.


Do you make an effort to have a nutritionally balanced meal? Before fasting, I was always conscious of eating a variety of vegetables and protein but with such little food consumption, I’m finding this somewhat challenging. Especially because I don’t like leftovers.


I just eat whatever I cook for my family. I eat my one meal at dinner. I generally cook something healthy-ish but not keto. We aren’t a meat heavy family and generally eat vegetarian. Christmas is killing me with the sweets!


Literally whatever I want. I’ve been OMAD since spring of 2020, and so far I mostly eat salad all spring and summer, and when it’s cooler or cold weather, I eat heavier things that my partner makes, like pasta, or I make chicken, steak, casseroles, etc.

I lose less when I’m eating heavy foods, and I’m totally fine with that.


Whatever I want! I’m probably not very nutritionally balanced but the point of OMAD for me is feeling like I can eat a pizza/burgers/whatever and it’s fine. I naturally gravitate towards healthy stuff about half the time.


Before breaking a fast (did a 72 this time) I made sure I had healthy options for homemade food. Today was salmon, potato, grape seed oil, kimchi, pickle, olives, and bread. A hearty and delicious meal after three days without:)


I eat 2 eggs with mozzarella cheese, nuts, carrots, celery and smoothie of flaxseed/chiaseed avocado, strawberries, blueberries and kale. I change my protein everyday. I replace eggs and cheese with grilled chicken and pan cooked salmon. I also take D3 supplement every day.


A salad with lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, avocado, nuts and some variations.

A large dish of various cooked vegetables and starchy food wether it’s roasted, stir fried, casserole etc. and a good sized portion of animal protein wether it’s beef muscle meat, liver, chicken, fish, seafood, eggs etc. more rarely lamb.

And one or two fruits of some sort for desert, plus a couple square of dark chocolate.

I can drink a protein shake with it sometimes if the training was very hard.

Never have legumes and very rarely pasta or rice.


Mostly a meat that I enjoy (currently Mexican chicken) with a load of vegetables. I crave different vegetables depending on the day. I try to limit carbs because I find it makes it harder to stick with my fasts, where as when I limit my carbs, the OMAD is easy.


Sometimes it’s Mac and cheese with broccoli and ham. Sometimes it Mississippi pot roast. Sometimes it’s my famous spicy chicken soup. Tomorrow I’m making a big batch of venison chili. Ooh, sometimes it’s a super loaded baked potato. Big salads or avocado toast are great.

I also make a batch of hard boiled eggs every week and make my own venison jerky, so I do “cheat” occasionally on omad if I notice I’m acting hangry.


So unlike most posts here I try to treat my eating windows with a bit more joy then just practical weight loss reality. I do 20/4 with eating window 12-4. I exercise morning and evening so I try to consume about 1800cal in 4-5 small meals. I always start with smoothie to fill up so that I don’t overeat. Then I have 3 meals of pretty much anything in fridge without focusing on anything specific. Typically its low carbs and more protein. Around 3:45 I have coffee with small desert.


I’ve been experimenting and I’m not perfect or super strict… but I lost 20 lbs in the last 6 months

Appetite gets smaller . Mindset changes. I’m often not actually wanting to eat til about 2 or 3 and then I’ll have an early dinner and that’s all.

If I want to eat, I tell myself that I can wait. I can wait a few hours… I can wait til morning, I might even enjoy it more the next day.

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Categories: omad eating window meat oil beef tea pork chicken boil keto vitamin mineral nutrition dinner a fast heart starch muscle liver fish fruit carbs weight loss morning evening low carb coffee mindset