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Free IF app?

Looking for an app that is free to use (not free for 7 days then spend a ton of money). Thank you kindly!

Also, I am in desperate need of weight loss and scared shitless to IF. Any support would be appreciated.

Stop Fasting Alone.

Get a private coach and accountability partner for daily check-in's and to help you reach your fasting goals. Any kind of fasting protocol is supported.

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I tried a few but continued with Zero. While they do have additional features you can unlock through a monthly or annual fee, I found they are a lot less in your face with it. Some others constantly make you click to decline premium to continue with the free version. You can log your weight with Zero, but I use WeightFit for that.

Go for it! Ease into it by ending dinner a little earlier or pushing out your breakfast. Every fast counts by itself, you get a do over every day, so if you don’t make it, try the next day. Pretty soon you may love the feeling.


You can do this! I really like Fastic unpaid, but haven’t tried any others. Start IF with a larger feeding to fasting ratio and adjust to longer fasting periods over time. One of the tips I got that helped was to close my eating window three hours before bedtime.

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Categories: weight loss shit dinner fastic to fast tips eating window