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Frequent swelling and deflating of my double chin throughout the day

Iā€™m doing a combination of keto and IF to reduce my insulin (I have PCOS and am insulin resistant) and am finding that some times during the day my neck is thin and I can feel where my Adamā€™s apple is, but sometimes my chin swells and I get a double chin. Sometimes itā€™s right when I wake up and then it deflates and then comes back when my eating window starts, and sometimes it deflates again throughout the day and then comes back at night while Iā€™m fasting again. Iā€™m drinking a lot of water so I canā€™t imagine it could be related to dehydrationā€¦ any thoughts? Thank you!

Edit: I will add that this doesnā€™t happen in a cartoonish way like my wording implies šŸ˜‚ itā€™s more like, itā€™ll feel nice and thin, and then an hour or two later itā€™ll be all puffy, and then a few hours later itā€™ll be thin again, and so on and so forth. Itā€™s really annoying!

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Iā€™ve noticed something similar. I wonder if your skin is pulled tighter towards your back when youā€™ve been doing heavy activity due to muscle inflation/enlargment?

Wild guess. But I believe you. I have a beard to hide my double chin, but notice differences in my neck line throughout the day. Maybe Iā€™ll shave the beard off for science to see the double chin action. After winter is over.


I get this too! I think mine is due to tension in my neck and shoulder which causes the front of my neck to shorted and therefore the stretching of the skin give me a double chin. Massage usually helps, and better posture!

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