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Fruits vs. fruits juice. which has good amount of nutrition?

In the last few days, I came across several posts saying that fruit juices are full of sugar; hence, you should not drink fruits; Instead, eat fruit. I like juice, But I got confused. Hoping for a satisfactory report.

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Think of it like this: If you eat an apple, you’ll have juice and feel satisfied/ satiated (\~19 g of sugar). If you drink one cup of apple juice, you are drinking the equivalent of 3 apples (30 g of sugar). If you eat the fruit, you will gain a sense of fullness that you would not get from drinking the juice.

Juice can be good if you are trying to get a quick carb load of some sort, but I think you would feel more satisfied just by eating the fruit. However, if you get something without added sugar, the juice isn’t really that bad for you. Just something to think about, hope this helps!


When most people drink juice they often are getting the equivalent of multiple pieces of fruit. The juice is mostly sugar and misses out on the fiber. Finally, some juice makers add extra sugar. If your health isn’t impacted do what you like. I don’t personally drink juice other than low-sodium V8 and even with that only four ounces.


Well, the choice is yours; if I talk about tetra-pack fruit juices, they use various processes like pasteurization which has a negative effect on micronutrients present in the fruit, and hence you won’t get an equivalent amount of nutrients. Added sugar is another story and dark truth.

However, if you are extracting the juice at home, then the scenario could be different.

Rest we all know, the major disadvantage of drinking fruit juice and not eating fruit is you are depriving yourself of dietary fiber.

Hence, if you want to continue drinking fruit juice, you may make sure you will fulfill your dietary fiber requirement from other sources.


When you remove the juice from the fruit you create free sugars, they will spike your blood sugar and insulin. Do this enough, it can lead to things like diabetes. Not saying you’re going to get diabetes from fruit juice, but it’s certainly not healthy without the fiber to slow absorption.


Fiber helps control the absorption of glucose and fructose, which lowers the effects of those molecules on the body. You still get all the micronutrients, maybe even more because the food has not be altered or processed. Juice is not the only thing in fruits. So you’ll inherently be missing out on some whole foods if you just drink juice and don’t eat the fruit. If you workout and burn a lot of glycogen, you might need the sugar for recovery/sustaining your workout.


Juice is great - drink juice. It has a lot of sugar yes, nothing wrong with sugar.

It’s not good to drink a massive amount of fruit juice if you’re trying to reduce the amount of calories you consume - like if you are dieting.


Go for fruit juice if you don’t care about weight gain, your blood sugar spiking, and you like the taste. But for me I just eat the fruit as a whole since it keeps me full and fruit juice just taste kinda bland to me and it’s much worth it drinking soda instead at that point.


Juice is the sugar and water component of fruit. It is far more concentrated than the whole fruit.

If you juice an apple or an orange, you’re going to get 1/4-1/2 cup of juice. Compared to an entire piece of fruit


Fructose in form of juice destroys livers, just as alcohol, HFCS does. Seasonal fruit if you are still insulin sensitive, are not obese, and don’t have a fatty liver yet should be fine. Fruit in large quantities 24/7/365 not a good idea.


I’m confused what you’re confused about lol. Fruit juice isn’t healthy cuz it’s not fruit. Juice has all the fiber and much of its health containing benefits removed.. and is processed and many times pasteurized. It quickly spikes blood sugar and has many times over the amount of sugar you’d normally consume if youd had eaten fruit whole

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