| | Water Fasting


I’m annoyed at the moment. Annoyed I can’t be one of those people who eat whatever they want and their weight doesn’t move. I’m just annoyed and frustrated and I feel like I’m getting nowhere.

Vent over.

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I got you. I’m always happy for people who do keto/fasting/if for like one month and see a bonkers amount of change but its SO HARD when you’re not seeing the same amount of change yourself. Weight loss is a marathon not a race, keep it up lady!


Me too. I’ve been fasting for 2 days a week for about 18 months and while I haven’t put on any weight during that time, I’m not really losing. It’s been a very good lesson in weight maintenance at least!

I’m having to face the fact that I either need to fast longer/more frequently or go keto or count calories on non fast days. Goodbye wine :(


No consistent calorie counting. When I was doing OMAD, I did a rough count for a few days and discovered that I was at less than 1000 even with wine. I was just not very hungry. I think that I was resetting my metabolism to ever lower levels which is what made me think that fasting for a few days would be a good idea. I think maybe I just need to fast for 2-3 days every week. Or maybe count calories. Or just give up wine. Or buy more stretchy pants…


I totally get you.

One thing that’s helped put it in perspective for me is knowing what’s on the outside doesn’t necessarily match the visceral fat situation. I watched “That Sugar Movie,” and this skinny kid from the South (U.S.) had drunk mountain dew his entire life. His teeth were such a mess he had them all removed (in the movie). He was drinking mountain dew again afterward.

Those of us whose bodies show their fat get that subcutaneous fat that lets us know “time to fast!” which also reduces our visceral fat. In a way we’re luckier! Our bodies aren’t lying to us.

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Categories: keto weight loss to fast calories omad sugar