| | Water Fasting


Male, 59yo, married, cant tell my present weight. Every time I get on the scales its a different weight. I can weigh 5 times in a ten minute period and I get a different weight. This morning my first weight was 309, 5 min later it said 333, 5 min later it had me at 376, I just replaced the batteries with new ones. My wife can weigh on them and she weighs the same over and over. Frustrated. Im wearing a 4x well, the 3x is a little tight through the stomach area but loose every where else. When I was 375 I was wearing a 6x.
Ive been walking a mile to a mile and a half a day, keeping my calories at 1200, doing a 20-4 routine, keeping carbs below 50 a day.
Any suggestions? Ive been thinking about doing a 24 hour fast with just water to see if that would jump start my loosing.

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Sometimes, you just need to get away from the scale. If you’re fasting, eating right, and moving, don’t worry about the number for at least a few days and then see where you land. I didn’t lose the first 6 weeks and I had to stop weighing. Then all of the sudden I lost 10 pounds in like two weeks. Our bodies don’t always respond in perfect sync.


Digital bathroom scales are finicky devices because of how they actually measure weight, exerted pressure or bending on something like a spring. For starters, make sure you’re zero-ing it out properly - I’ve even seen it suggested you need to do it every time. Step on it then off. Let it cycle to zero and all the way off. Then step on it again.

Depending on how long you’ve had that scale, there is an upper limit on weight usually somewhere in the 300s. So that might explain the inconsistent results. Might be time to replace it.

>Any suggestions? Ive been thinking about doing a 24 hour fast with just water to see if that would jump start my loosing.

You certainly can try if you want, but ultimately there’s no ‘jump starting’ besides mentally seeing a few pounds come off. For a lot of us it took years to put on the weight, it’s going to take some time to take it off as well. Weight loss is about consistency over a long time period. It sounds like you’re doing a lot right, I would first look to see if you can find a way to more consistently track your results before changing anything else.


Most bathroom scales aren’t rated for much over 300 lbs. This could be the reason your results ping pong all-over the place but your wife’s readings are spot on. Give it a few weeks and when you get down below 300 I bet it starts giving you solid results.


Better than a 24h do a 18/6 for a few days, at least 3.As usual, as many proteins as you can and run away from carbohydrates.Ideally you would do that from Monday to Friday and you should see results soon.Excuse me for my English as is not my first language.


Before you trash your current scale, make sure you’re weighing yourself on something solid, like a ceramic tile, stone or concrete floor. Weighing yourself on soft surface flooring like laminate, linoleum, etc. will cause similar fluctuations in weight like you’re describing.


About the fasting routine, it should be more than enough so you lose weight. At your weight you can probably still eat a lot more and still lose for now. Don’t push it too hard. This is a slow game and you need to be able to keep up with it for quite some time.


If you want to constantly measure something, consider getting a continuous glucose monitor (cgm). It tracks your blood sugar 24/7 and will probably blow your mind with what is happening when you eat the things you’re eating. Way, way, way more useful information than anything a scale will ever tell you

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Categories: morning stomach calories carbs 24 hour fast bathroom weight loss carbohydrate lose weight glucose blood sugar