| | Water Fasting

Fuck I struggle

I just get derailed so easy. I fast 23:1 most days and just overeat and binge on shit foods.

I’ve done a few 3 and 4 days fasts this year but damn I feel out of control.

Any tips or help greatly appreciated fam!

33m 230lb

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I find its easier to make healthier choices if you stop eating sugars and grains. After a few week the craving for junk food goes away.It works for me anyway.

Also if your new to fasting 24hrs might be too tough take babysteps. I can also tell you 24hrs is a breeze while I eat low carb.


It might seem silly but, have you got lots of easily accessible healthy foods for your hour of eating? If you’re at hour 23 and there’s no food in the house that doesn’t need to be cooked and prepared, it’s so easy to get takeaway or eat shit. If there are healthy snacks or foods that don’t need preparing then you’re more likely to eat those. ESP when you’re only eating for one hour of the day, you only need to make healthy food choices for a very small amount of time.until you can forget food again for 23 hours. I like to have tomatoes, avocado, cheese and pepper for sandwiches, white grapes for snacking, frozen bananas… Honestly you can be pretty flexible and eat much better than I do, and surprisingly filling meals on omad and still lose weight. Make a batch of rice with frozen veggies and heat up a big bowl, yum yum!


Try a 7 day water fast just drink some snake juice after about day 3 or 4 you are not even hungry anymore I’m watching videos on youtube of what I want to try when I’m done fasting on day 8 myself and I feel great no hunger!


You need to take the time to replace bad diet habits with good diet habits, or else you’ll regain even if you fast it away successfully cause you don’t know how to eat, like most people. If 23:1 is too hard for you to not binge then go to two meals. Lots of fruits/veggies for satiety and keeping insulin resistance low, lots of lean proteins keeping muscles and thus metabolism together and satiety, then healthy fats for your brain and heart plus low GI carbs if you choose

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Categories: struggle binge shit tips sugar to fast low carb snack grapes omad lose weight 7 day water fast habits fruit muscle heart carbs