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Full body pain before and after breaking fast

Just finished an 80 hour fast and last night got an awful headache and body pains all over like I had the flu. Barely slept because everything was uncomfortable. Woke up feeling a bit better, but quickly starting feeling awful again - broke the fast with some cold boiled potatoes and orange slices. Then a couple hours later some chicken soup.

Felt good for a while, now my body is in pain again and terrible headache.

Drank electrolytes all day yesterday. Soup was nice and salty today, took a multivitamin, no change, still in pain and headache.

Any thoughts?

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i kind of got that did a 5 day but woke up feeling super dehydrated after 2 refeed meals and started some hudralute but was thirsty all day

but feeling some back pain around kidney areas that subsided later or lack of sleep for me had to work

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