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gaining on a fast

I know your weight fluctuates but sheesh. I’m just surpassed 72 hours on my fast and was doing great but today I gained weight and it’s really just kills your motivation. On day one I was 239, on day two I was 236, and today I am somehow 238…

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I just had the same thing happen. Started a fast midday on the 1st, barely lost days 2 and 3 (down 0.2 lb), had a modest loss on day 4 and then a gain of almost all lbs lost on the 5th. I am right now trying to do an extended fast, but right now am basically on rolling 96s, so I ate on day 5, then back to fasting. Within 3 days of the gain I was down 5. In ketosis since early January.

Water weight is weird and can be very discouraging. I weigh every day, but I know I should be doing it far less. If I had been weighing only once a week, I probably would have made it past that first weigh in. I know it sucks, but try not to let it get you down. Sending positive vibes to your scale.


Gotta take the weekly average, I know it can be discouraging, I have experienced it myself.

What I have learnt to do is to use the average weekly. I use the Zero fasting app and it does this automatically for me. Maybe this could help you out. There is a lot happening with your body as you fast, trust the process.


I have a scale that has a Bluetooth app. It shows my weight (and other stats) as a list or a graph. I try to weigh myself about the same time every morning before I eat. My reading varies about 5-6 lbs with no apparent reason. So I can see the trend, rather than, “I’m 4 lbs heavier than yesterday”. It works for me, other people just weigh themselves once a week.

I prefer the granularity of (most) days as datapoints.


So frustrating! I have definitely been there. As others have said, averaged weight can be a great tool when the daily weight is disappointing. I like the app Happy Scale, which has a lot of different ways of showing progress, and keeps me going when the scale isn’t cooperating.

If you’re female/menstruating we also have a lot of variability based on our cycle.

Congratulations on your perseverance!


Your body is using and retaining water at an uneven pace is what I think happens. 🤔

Just go with weekly average or a body part measurement. Or have some motivation pants that are a bit too tight. Whatever gets you through the day

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