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Gaining weight back immediately after fasting?

I am female, 23, 5”2 and and 130lbs. Started at 148lbs in March of this year.

I’ve done water fasting in the past and was able to lose about 9lbs in combination with a low calorie diet in roughly a 4 week period. But since I’ve hit 130 I cannot seem to get under. I have not fasted for several months and stopped my low cal diet for several months as well thinking maybe I had hit a plateau and just needed to give it some time eating normally before I went back to dieting.

I have been back on my low calorie diet for 2 months and have even tried incorporating some water fasting in the past few weeks but the number won’t budge. What I’m really confused about is why I’m gaining back the weight I lost after my water fast so quickly. I was weighing 127lbs for three days in a row after my 24 hour fast and then on the 5th day I was 131lbs. I know for sure I have not eaten enough calories to gain that weight back as I am counting my calories again, so I’m assuming that all I really lost during the fast was water weight. This has happened the last two fasts I have done where I seem to lose a pound or two and then immediately gain it back. This was not the case when I was heavier and fasted and kept off the weight. Is there a reason I cannot lose past 130 when I was previously 120 consistently throughout my life?

Though I know 130 is a relatively healthy weight for my height, because I am so short, I still look and feel pretty heavy and out of shape. I also know BMI is sort of controversial these days But for my height it ranges from 101lbs-136lbs. So right now I am barely on the cusp and like I mentioned I physically feel heavy too. I am not trying to get down past 120, even though I have friends that are my same height and closer to 110 pounds I was really in love with my body before the pandemic. I truthfully felt like it was a really healthy weight for my body.

Is there a reason water fasting is not effective for me anymore? It really sped up my weight loss progress during the month I tried it before. Also my low calorie diet has shown no success as well.

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so short answer, the fast weight drop was a lot of water weight. The stall was you having to lose actual fat which takes longer. Weight loss isn’t linear it’ll bounce around a lot

Longer answer is weight loss and fat loss are 2 different things. I highly encourage you start strength training to maintain muscle mass so you lose fat instead as well as keeping protein intake high


Other answers are good. Something to add:


Honestly your situation sounds nutritional. Extended fasting will shed \~0.5-0.75lbs a day for me. Yes, water weight comes back on (up to 5lbs or so) but I still see those fasting lbs gone in the long term trend (say over a month). Your body has no choice but to use fat (depends on fast length and how nasty your carb intake outside fasts are). So measure your foods so you know exactly you’re in a calorie deficit, make sure your foods are whole and/or good for you/your nutrition plan, and stay consistent with it


Keto is a great tool for staying in fat burning mode. However, I’ve found good success with whole foods, too (which did include a lot of complex carbs and fruit). I will say pretty much straight across the board sugars and processed foods slow whatever trend I’m on - even in decent moderation. I’ve been as heavy as 240 and as low as 155 (5’10 39M). I’ve watched my nutrition and its effects closely for \~5 years now and have been nutritionally aware for \~15 years (when I was at my heaviest and wanted to make changes). When people say all calories are not equal - I’ve experienced that myself, too so really - watch not just how much but what is going into your body as well


Hope that all helps and good luck achieving your goals

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