| | Water Fasting

Get confident with me... Extended 40 day water fast!

So I am on day 3 of my water fast, beginning on Sunday 20th May. The last thing I ate was some eggs, beans and bacon.

I am planning on staying on this fast for 40 days, so I will break my fast on Friday 29th June.

This is the longest fast I have ever done! My previous fasts only ever lasted up to 14 days but I wasn’t taking any supplements so I think it may be a little easier this time. I have read that taking salt helps, so that’s what I’ll do.

The main reason for this fast is to lose body fat, clear my skin and release my attachment to food and the constant need to always be full of something delicious! I’m a slave to food, it’s always on my mind and I do eat for pleasure rather than nutrition. Things need to change.

I’ve spent the majority of my life being unhappy with my body and for once want to feel confident in myself.

Please do comment with your stats, goals, tips and struggles!

Starting stats:

Weight: 13st 6lb / 85.7kg / 188lbs

Height: 5’9 / 1.75m

Body fat percentage: 32.4%

Good luck!


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31 yo female155 lbsFasted down to 115 last summer, had a miscarriage in February and have been dealing with hormones and poor sleep.I want to do 20 or 30 days. I did 13 a few weeks ago. Very weirdly, I didn’t really lose anything. The whole fast felt amazing, but day 12 I was so tired and I could do nothing (short of maybe getting in my car and driving to the wilderness) to keep from breaking. The next day my period started. Related? My biggest struggle right now, really my only one, is that I never feel rested. I may still be dealing with unhappy hormones, which fasting would help, but I have struggled to get started on a fast because I’m so tired and since he high, tired has always equaled eat.Your post above is very motivating. I tried to start Sunday, Monday, and today. I’m following this as motivation to start for real tomorrow. Or, today, at 3:00. Thanks for the boost!


Day 5 of my water fast and I’m feeling okay!

I have been sick these past few days but nothing fast-related. I caught a cold so have been trying my best not to eat through it.

I’m feeling a lot better today though thankfully, just keeping myself busy with work and reading and watching movies… Anything to keep my mind off food!

I’ve noticed that my hunger pangs are becoming shorter and less frequent. The first day I started I was hungry alllll day. And the next day. And the next. But by day 4 I was only hungry by early evening and if you just fight through it you’ll get there!

This morning I woke up and was hungry but once I had some water it disappeared.

Let’s keep going guys! Focus on the end result!

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Categories: 40 day water fast water fast longest fast body fat nutrition tips struggle sleep a fast sick evening morning